12. Turn on like a light

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Jin's stomach flipped when she saw Kwang Jin waiting at the exit of her train's platform. Kwang waved at her and Nila when he noticed them. She couldn't remember Robert ever going out of his way to pick her up after a trip.

"Jin," Kwang breathed when they met and grabbed her hands. "Nila," he added when he noticed Jin's small assistant.

"Dr. Ahn," Nila bowed politely. "Please excuse me. My driver is waiting."

"Oh, wait," Kwang took a hand and restrained Nila. "Joon told me to have you call her before Friday. She will be putting in the schedules for next month's call and wants to coordinate with you."

"Absolutely, she texted already. Your Joon is very thorough."

"She belongs to the department, but thank you. She is very good at what she does." Kwang smiled sweetly, and Jin had to resist the urge to touch his face. Even holding hands like this in public felt risque.

"Of course," Nila answered, but her tone of voice clearly showed her disagreement. Jin wondered if Kwang knew how devoted his assistant was to him. She had responded with his schedule within minutes of Nila's request, and they had been texting back and forth most of the day. "She did also promise not to say anything to the department before you do. But please don't stretch her skills of deception for too long."

"Joon has never been a gossip," Kwang responded. Nila nodded and turned away with a wave. Jin watched her receding figure as she walked away. Jin loved how fast Nila could walk without looking rushed.

"How are you feeling?" Kwang asked as they walked the same exit as Nila at a slower pace. "How did your meeting go?"

"I feel great, but the meeting was frustrating," Jin admitted, glad to have someone to discuss the meeting with who might understand. "Korean men of a certain age can be annoying." The tightening of his hold on her hand indicated that Kwang understood what Jin meant.

"Did he touch you?" Kwang growled. His tone was protective and more dangerous than she would have thought possible from him. Jin couldn't resist kissing him on the cheek, the joy inside of her wanted to explode, and she needed an outlet. She couldn't remember the last time someone truly wanted to protect her.

"Yes," Jin answered and spotted Hae-il standing next to a car. "But don't worry, I handled it."

"I am sorry," Kwang pulled her closer as they walked to the car. "I know you don't need my anger, but I know how my seniors can be."

"Your anger warms me, Jin," Jin reassured Kwang, then bowed to Hae-il. The older man bowed back and opened the door for them to enter.

"Are you hungry?" Jin asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, but I'd like to change. Can we stop by my hotel before going anywhere?"

"Sure, what hotel are you staying at?"

"The Millenium Hilton," Jin answered sheepishly. She could have walked home from the station and had done so before. Kwang laughed and texted the address to Hae-il, who chuckled as well.

"Long trip!" Hae-il teased.

"I think you can drop us off and head out, and I'll call a car to bring me home later. There are lots of good places to eat around there," Kwang instructed Hae-il.

"Namdaemun is close, Dr. Ahn," Hae-il reminded. "Probably about a ten-minute walk if you know where you are going."

"Excellent!" Kwang turned to Jin with eager eyes. "Have you experienced Namdaemun Night Market yet?"

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