23. Is it the knowing, Is it the seeing?

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"I wonder if he screens his calls now," Lisa suggested when Jin complained that Kwang hadn't picked up any of her or Nila's calls. "Even though he doesn't know it's you, he may be suspicious."

"Right, well, I haven't left a message yet," Jin brushed her hair and looked in the mirror. The bags under her brown eyes were evidence of her sleepless nights, but it would be worth it soon. Or so she hoped. "Are you ready for a roommate if this all goes south?"

"You betcha, and Lacy would love to have her 'real' coach back," Lisa assured emphatically. "It would be great to see you again."

"Yeah, it would be great to see you too," Jin admitted as she carefully began to put on her make-up. Michael Lancaster had arrived in Korea this morning, saving her the trip to the US but making her miss out on seeing Lisa. Jin suspected he had caught wind of all the movement in her personal fortune and was suspicious of her next move. That was fine; she hadn't tried too hard to hide anything. But Jin was sure she still had some surprises up her sleeve, though one never knew with Michael.

"When's your meeting?"

"In a couple of hours, I'm getting ready now."

"Do you think it will work?"

"I'm pretty sure, but you can never be sure with Michael."

"Has he noticed the change in your tone when you talk to him?"

"I doubt it. Michael's so full of himself. He probably likes it that I call him by his name now. It's a title he's more proud of than 'father' for sure. He is THE Michael Lancaster."

"Did you already talk to Melinda?"

"Yes, I called her once Michael was in the air to let them know the movers were coming by. She was confused but went along with everything. In the end, it's all my property anyway. Melinda's lawyer sense outweighed her wifely sense in this case."

"I think she may have had a bit of motherly sense too. She's always been kind to you."

"Yes, well, in the end, she's married to Michael."

"Right, there is that," Lisa agreed, then changed the subject. "So, why didn't you leave a message?"

"Because I want to wait until I know for sure he is safe from Michael. If things fall through today, I'll just come home and forget about everything. I've already reached out to a few schools that had contacted me before. I hope you don't mind the competition."

"Not at all!" Lisa replied. "Competition amongst friends is my favorite thing."

"Lisa, I do love you!"

"Uh, oh, does that mean you are going to dump me for a new best friend?" Lisa's tease jabbed hard.

"Ouch! No, I'm not ever going to give you up. Sorry, you can't escape me!"

"I wouldn't if I could," Lisa responded with a laugh. "Hey, I will let you finish getting ready. I just called to wish you luck. You know I'm here for you if you need me!"

"I do know, Lisa, and appreciate it more than I can say."

Jin hung up with her friend and finished perfecting her make-up. A woman's armor was her appearance. It was a delicate thing. She could not look too feminine, or she might seem vulnerable, but she had to look confident and in charge. Nila had already chosen the perfect outfit, a purplish-grey pantsuit with a royal purple shirt and black accessories. It was feminine but powerful. Jin had chosen to wear her hair down, taking advantage of the wonderful Korean hair products Nila had discovered for her. She knew it would stay in place and shine, moving with her as she spoke and emphasizing every point with its subtle femininity. Jin was not just an employee. She was a woman and Michael Lancaster's daughter. Jin had learned from the best how to take advantage of everything that could be perceived as a weakness.

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