24. Or Is it the Dreaming?

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"Jin, did you do this all for him?" Michael hissed.

"No, I did this for me, but he was the catalyst." Jin stood up and walked to the window that overlooked the business district of Seoul. "You forced me to break his heart and mine, for what? For a company, for a merger, or money? I became property, a thing you negotiated with. You didn't care about how I felt, so why should I care about how you feel?"

"Jin, Yang is a nice man. You will have a comfortable life."

"Even if that were the truth, does it matter? You would never let someone make this type of decision for you. Why should I accept you making it for me?" Jin turned back to Michael. "I'm done, Michael. I'm done with letting you control my life. Ever since I can remember, you have been the puppeteer, destroying what you couldn't control. I stayed with you for so long because I loved you, you were my father, you had to care more about me than money. But then, you sat next to me and broke my heart, for what?

"For your mother's company!"

"Fuck that. Mother would have never wanted you to destroy me to save a company that was never really hers, to begin with. Hell, even if it had been fifth-generation Park property, she wouldn't have wanted to save it at the destruction of her daughter's happiness. That is all you, Micheal Lancaster. So, all I can do to make it up to you and her is to sever all ties and bring you down a few notches simultaneously. Isn't this what you taught me to do? Don't just take down an enemy; destroy him."

"I have sold this company to the Li family, I've given David Roberts a voting share in Lancaster incorporated, and I have moved any of mother's capital out of your hands that I could. She willed it all to me anyway."

"You are still my daughter."

"I can't help that, but I don't have to be filial. I've removed every speck of my existence from your home in Marin. Call Melinda if you don't believe me. I've changed my phone number and sold my condo in San Francisco. Though I know I can't hide from you and your prying eyes. I can make it difficult for you to control me."

"What will you do without me? Run to that doctor?"

"I don't think he'll have me. But if he will, yes, that's exactly what I will do. If he won't, I'll visit my aunt in Busan before I leave Korea and look for work in the US."

"Jin," Michael's voice broke. Jin glanced back at him and was momentarily startled by the pain on his face. "You would do all this for a man?"

"No, I would do all of this to be free of you," Jin corrected with a glare. He still didn't get it. "You are a monster, Michael Lancaster, and I want nothing more to do with you. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to sign some papers and finish packing up my office." Jin didn't wait for Michael's permission. She strode past him, shaking off the weak hand that grabbed at her arm. She was done with Michael Lancaster. Perhaps she would change her name to Park when she returned to the states. Jin would rather be associated with her Mother than Michael Lancaster.

It surprised Jin when Michael didn't yell after her or come stomping into her office. A text from Yang told her that Michael had contacted the Li family, but Yang had already informed them of the change in plans. They planned it simultaneously. Jin just hoped he would have the strength to come out to them as well. She didn't pry, though. It was no longer any of her business. A call came in from Melinda, but she ignored it. Jin didn't feel like having that conversation yet. She wanted to talk to only one person, and he was unlikely to pick up the phone.

"Kwang," Jin spoke to Kwang's voicemail. "This is Jin. I know you can never forgive me, I know I don't deserve it, but I wanted to thank you. Don't stop listening; I want you to know that I broke it off with Yang and severed ties with Michael Lancaster. I'm going to Busan to visit my family soon, but I want to see you again before I leave." Jin paused. Would he agree to come? "Tonight, come to the Locks of Love overlook. I can't think of a better place to meet. I know it's cheesy, but that day we visited Namsan is the most cherished memory I have of Seoul. If you think there may be any chance for us, please come. I'm going there now and will wait until they kick me out." Jin knew it was foolish. She didn't even know if he would get the message today. Though Nila had checked with Joon to make sure he was in town, his secretary was clear that she couldn't divulge his schedule any further.

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