Chapter 15

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There was a calm behind the storm the moment Y/N realized she would have to see him again. She knew that distancing wasn't an option when she lived within these walls— trapped away like livestock. Her only other option seemed to mend away on the gardens, but even that seemed impossible. Her kind had clouded, swarmed like bees under a rising sea of typhoons. It wasn't going to last forever, but she needed something different.

All this seemed ever so important as she readied herself at 6-7 in the morning to convince Minho to bring her through the maze. It was such a random thought, but she knew she could do it. It was an endless possibility among those stone crevices, and yet, she knew nothing about them. All she knew was that they moved, groaned, screamed within the night. When she approached Minho, she watched as he threw his head back and laughed.

"You're joking." Minho declared, leaning forward as if to insect her for any sign of a smile. When he didn't see one, he twitched his eyebrow, then scoffed. "Y/N, seriously. Just talk to Gally. Throwing yourself into the maze is a death sentence. The only reason I'm in there is because I have to be." He muttered.

This seemed like an Alby issue all of a sudden. There was no way Minho would allow her to got though into the maze, not unless she begged, or said she was super smart. Cecil was useful, but she was only amongst the many that couldn't fathom the maze. Cecil averted her eyes upward, her brown orbs glimmering with curiosity. I mean, I'm not opposed. Her dog companion telekinetically hums, then heads off in the direction of the opening.

Minho was about to follow after her but Y/N shot her hand out and grabbed him. "Please? I promise I'll be of use." She says, flashing her all famous begging eyes. It seemed to have worked because Minho scoffed and walked in the direction of Homestead. All it took was loud shouting, the sound of things clattering to the ground, and three angry screams before Newt, Minho, and Alby came out.

Alby was the first to grab her by the scruff of her neck and look at her. His eyes fell to the muscle of her shoulder, then the stance of her structure. It had seemed that he was sizing her up, trying to figure out whether or not she'd be able to handle it. He turned to Newt whose face had become beat red with anger.

"No," Newt muttered, grabbing Alby and pushing him over. He couldn't fathom the idea of allowing her to go in. "I'm not allowing her to go in."

Alby clenched his teeth, then closed his eyes. He looked upward, then sighed. "It may not be up to you Newt." He whispered, brushing his hands over the spot where Newt had grabbed.

There was a silence amongst them, then Y/N opened her mouth to speak.

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