Chapter 7

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The new Greenie was a boy named Travis. He seemed like he was young and yet he was head strong. He was skinny with fluffy brown hair. His eyes were a very pretty shade of brown.

(Y/N), for some reason, felt the need to protect him. She just felt like he could use someone to talk to.

Gally, as usual, didn't like him. It was a strange feeling in his gut that he always got when their was a New Greenie.

As usual their was a bonfire planned for tonight but (Y/N) was just planning to go straight to the Homestead. She knew she would probably be a buzz kill about it but she didn't care. Her body just wasn't in it today.

Newt approached (Y/N). A cheeky smile was plastered to his lips. "Hey shank. Guess your goin' to be the only girl for a while."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes before punching his shoulder roughly causing him to gasp out in pain but that was the only other noise he made until Travis made a run for it. Everyone watched with excitement that their was actually one person who ran away like it was nothing. (Y/N) rolled her eyes before dropping her plow and running after him. She was faster than him so as soon as she gained tail she tackled him to the ground.

Travis began to throw punches but (Y/N) threw stronger ones. She laid a stronger blow to his head causing him to fall unconscious. Her hair blew with the wind before she stood up straight. "Dealt with the little slinthead.." She muttered, walking back to the group of boys who were watching her with confused expressions. Almost like they didn't expect her to be that strong but soon their shock wore down once Gally went up to you.

"You didn't have to beat him up..." Gally murmured, having his chest pressed up against her shoulder as if ready to walk off but he wanted to say something first. Which he was doing at the moment.

(Y/N) let out a struggled breath because she was tired from the fight. She could still walk and do her job but her arms were sore from the Greenie's punches which were weak but they were still affective. "He threw the first punch. I was only trying to rescue him from going into the maze... Maybe you should consider making him a Runner... Bugger throws good punches and can run... But I'm still faster." She told him, patting his chest two times before walking toward her plow which was laying by the grapevines from how powerful she dropped it.

It sucked really that the Greenie would have to spend the night at the Slammer in which (Y/N) called it but she chose not to tell anyone this. (Wait... Is it actually called the Slammer? Let me know in the comments what they call their little cage area where they put prisoners or the other Greenie's that did something bad...) Her sympathy was pushed toward the boy but he shouldn't have attacked her for no reason.


It was night time now. There were Gladers surrounding the fire, talking and having a good time. At the moment (Y\N) wasn't doing anything other than minding her own business.

Gally was being egged on by a few boys as he shoved a boy out off the Circle which caused (Y/N) to smile gently to yourself. It started to dawn on you that he had been sending you occasional glances. It was beginning to reach to the point where the Gladers were starting to circle the fire completely now.

Newt tumbled over to the log, hand gripping onto a jar of the beverage Gally had created. Of course (Y/N) didn't feel like drinking tonight so she just sat alone, staring down at Cecil who was dozing off to sleep at her feet.

"Gally! Dude! Tell her!!" Someone shouted, causing her ears to perk up slightly but she didn't look up just in case she was met by thousands of set of eyes. There were a set of footsteps approaching her so she looked up curiously only to be met with a crotch. It was a nice view she had to admit but she opened her mouth to say something snarky but she closed it. It was Gally after all.

"Yo." She says, averting her eyes toward the ground which suddenly became super interesting.

Gally slightly shifted and sat next to her. "Uhm..." He said, licking his lips slightly before turning His head toward the ground.

(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh to herself. A shiver tan Down her spine and across her body as she wrapped her arms around herself to warm herself. Something was set around her body so she opens her mouth to say something, only to realize it was a jacket. To be specific, Gally's jacket.

"Thanks." She muttered, leaning her head against his chest only to realize that he seemed to have frozen in his place. "Wake me up when its morning."

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