Chapter 2

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  It was night time. Of course everyone had showed up to the ceremony which made this only better for (Y/N) who was being flirted with by literally every single guy except for Newt, Minho, Alby, and of course Gally who was sitting on the other side of the fire which was burning powerfully underneath the moonlight.

A jar of some sort was held in between Gally's large palms that were probably the same size as (Y/N)'s face which Newt and her betted on. A noise escaped her throat as she noticed that suddenly he had stood up and walked toward a group of boys who were literally cheering at him to come over to the area where they were all standing.

In the center of the boys was a circle of some sort. The ground inside the circle was all of sand. That would be a note to you. Sand would be at your advantage if you were called over to fight. At the moment you were to much of a party pooper to do anything.

Footsteps approached behind you as Newt flung one leg over the log and then the other until he began to sit. He handed you a jar which was filled with some sort of beer looking liquid. "Don't ask. Nobody knows. Gally made it himself." Newt said as he shared a sweet smile between her.

The light of the fire flickered causing some lightly to go over (Y/N)'s face. "Yes of course.. Uhm.. About Gally...." She muttered as she opened the lid slowly and took a long chug of the strange substance. For some reason she didn't even scrunch up her nose.

Newt let out a laugh which made (Y/N) wince slightly. "How can you bloody handle that Klunk tasting thing?"

"I don't know. Something tells me that I probably have had stronger before we came here." (Y/N) muttered, taking another long sip. She felt herself get dizzy as she tilted her head back to breathe in.

There was loud chatter over by the Circle as a boy was flung over the circle. Gally remained inside it. His hair was messed up and a little tiny cut was across his eyebrow but other than that he seemed to be completely fine which made female grin to herself.

"Hey Newt? I'm going to try the thingy there doing. If I don't return. Make sure you don't get in trouble." She said jokingly as she pushed herself up into a standing position before walking over to the Circle where she stepped over the unconscious boy. All the boys eyes were on her as she stepped into the Circle. Her hair was pulled into a high pony tail with a little bit of her bangs hanging a bit.

Gally watched every movement she made until finally he realized what the situation was as she stood in front of him. She barely even reached his eyes.

"Mind if I give it a try?" (Y/N) questioned, looking up innocently. Her eyes shimmered slightly which made Gally clear his throat as his cheeks turned sort of red.

Gally straightened up a bit more. "Alright. Just don't cry if you break a nail." He said as he shifted into a wrestling position. It was a shame he did that because now she knew what her motive would be.

"Tch. Please." She muttered as she shifted lightly so she looked like she was going to charge.

The tension between them grew before she heard running footsteps coming toward the Circle. Now all the boys were surrounding and watching. They were all betting on her losing but of course she was stronger and something told her she knew how to fight.

Newt was in the front of the crowd of boys. His eyes watched intently as the fight was about to begin.

Gally made his lunge. It was a good thing (Y/N) was prepared because she barrel rolled between his legs and behind him where she stood up and sent a kick to his butt where he tumbled forward. The female in front of him crossed her arms over her chest as a smirk rose. He rose back to his feet quickly as he lunged at her again this time she grabbed him by the arm and swung him out of the Circle. He tumbled even more as he face connected with ground.

Newt was smirking to himself. He had no idea this was going to happen but for some reason he knew that the girl was stronger or somewhat different from the rest.

(Y/N) cracked her neck slightly. "Well goodnight everyone. I'll see you tomorrow." She said happily as she skipped to the hut where everyone slept. That night she slept peacefully. Yet she had some sort of fear or something unknown. But what could it be?

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