Chapter 10

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  The week had dragged on. Things were completely awkward for Gally and (Y/N) though the only way they'd talk was by them ordering each other to do something. It was now the evening or so. Gally was out with the runners for a short while just to help handle a dead Griever. Unlike the following days, they were late. Incredibly late. Cecil had appeared out of the entrance, bolting toward (Y/N) almost automatically.

  Someone's hurt! I forgot his name! Cecil had yelled, having her tail clinging to the center of her legs. This made (Y/N) look at the other Gladers as they attempted to understand the situation. "Someone's hurt. I think their coming! Get the Medjacks ready!" She yelled, running as fast as she could to the entrance with two Medjacks running after her. And at that moment her heart nearly dropped to her stomach as soon as she saw Gally being supported by two other runners including Newt and some other guy.

The blonde haired boy had blonde trickle down his forehead and down his cheek but a have gash was across the dark chest plate shirt he wore almost all the time. If there was one thing (Y/N) knew, a gash across the chest meant poisoned. Not to mention that they only had three antidotes left so there was nothing left to do other than hope for the best. Her automatic reaction was now to run after the team carrying whoever it was. To her dismay her feet slowed down and she stared at the familiar face of Gally who seemed to be in between life and death at the moment. She had no idea what to do. It was as if every single nerve in her body had shut down.

  One of the new greenies elbowed my shoulder. My attention was back on the unconscious boy and to our luck we made it back to the Med Jacks who began injecting the serum into his shoulder. 

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