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Next day, Hera dressed in one baggy, blue straight trousers, dark blue nike's, oversized shirt and Theo's hoodie.

She was sitting next to Theo in Biology class when he nudged her and she looked at him and he showed her Sydney.

"You think she's Chimera?" she asked him and he shrugged. "Look at her hair." he whispered and she saw Sydney scratching her head.

In her hand stayed few locks of hair and Hera gasped quietly and Theo's eyes widened a bit. Sydney got up and ran outside.

Lydia got up too walking towards her. "Lydia, you know it's for the best." professor said but Lydia followed her.

After class, Hera walked over to the bathroom and when she looked at the mirror she gasped seeing reflection that wasn't hers.

"Hello, Hera." woman's voice said and tears came on Hera's eyes. "Mom?" she whispered with her voice cracking.

"Look how much you've grown." woman said looking at her. "How did you..." Hera started but couldn't find the words.

"I missed you, Hera. I was watching you every day. I am very proud of you." she said and tears went down Hera's cheeks.

"I am so sorry, mom. I couldn't do anything. I wish I—" she started. "Hera. You couldn't do anything." woman said.

"I couldn't do anything either. If your father was still alive back then we could do it but it wasn't possible." she said.

"I know I just... I just feel like it was my fault." Hera said. "I love you, Hera. And what happened then, it wasn't your fault. Okay?"

"I am just glad that you survived. That you continued to fight. I want you to live your life at the fullest before coming back with me."

"Can you promise me that?" Shiva asked her daughter and Hera nodded slowly. "I promise." she said and Shiva smiled.

"I love you, my daughter. I hope to see you again." she said and started disappearing from the mirror and Hera's reflection came back.

"I live you too, mom." she said as the last drop of tear fell down and she wiped her tears off and walked to her locker.

After her free period, she walked to girls locker room and took out her crop hoodie with matching leggings.

She pulled on her trainers and tied her hair in high ponytail. After she was done, she took her roller too and walked inside the gym.

As she walked towards the doors, she saw Malia going out and they smiled at each other saying hi and Hera entered.

She saw Theo sitting on one machine with his elbows on his knees and she just walked past him sitting on the floor.

"Since when are you going to gym?" he asked and she shrugged. "I don't know. I just felt like it." she said in low voice.

"Were you crying?" he asked standing up and she shook her head. "I'm fine. It's nothing." she said and he sat down next to her.

He looked at her dried tears and placed his hand under her chin making her to look up at him.

"What happened?" he asked and she just shook her head. "Just remembered something. Sad memory." she said.

"Want to talk about it?" he asked but she just shook her head. "I'll always be here for you. You know that right?" he asked.

Hera nodded and he rubbed her back as she leaned on his shoulder and he planted a kiss on her head.


"You guys try to find Stiles and Lydia. I'm gonna find my mom." Scott said and Theo and Hera ran to the roof.

They saw Chimera attacking Stiles and Theo pushed it off of him. Hera shifted into her tiger form and went to Stiles.

Theo was fighting with Chimera while Hera was taking Stiles's pain away by having her paws on his hands.

Suddenly, Theo's hand was on Chimera's throat and he sliced it with his claws and blood went everywhere.

Chimera fell on the floor and life from it started fading away. Hera's and Stiles's eyes widened and Hera looked at Theo in fear.

"Stiles. You can't say anything. Please, don't say anything." Theo begged him. "Why not?" Stiles asked.

"Because I never said anything about Donovan." he said and Stiles's eyes widened. "I know what happened to Donovan."

"I know everything..." Theo said and Stiles pinned him against the wall. Hera, now in her human form dressed on her clothes.

"Stiles, stop!" she said. "You don't know anything." Stiles said and now Theo pinned him against the fence and Hera sighed.

"We were there. Hera and I. We were at the library. Malia found the book. She was texting us to see where you were." Theo said.

"She said she left you at the library. I told her I was close, so I picked up Hera and both of us came." he said.

"When we got there, we heard the scaffolding come down." he said. "You saw him?" Stiles asked. "Just the body." Hera said.

"I watched you come out. I was gonna say something but then we saw the cop car. And the body was gone." he said.

"I don't know who took him. We only saw what you saw and I didn't say anything because you didn't." Theo said.

Suddenly, a sirens were heard in the distance and Hera ran towards the edge. "That's not an ambulance, is it?" Theo asked and she nodded.

"We should get out of here." Theo said as Stiles walked towards Hera. "We can't just leave him." he said.

"Then let's take him. We can find out who's taking the bodies." Hera said. "Stiles, come on. We gotta do something." Theo said.

"You killed him." Stiles said. "In self-defense. He was gonna kill all three of us." Theo said and Stiles sighed.

"If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story." Theo said.

"It's your choice. I'm not asking you to lie to your dad." he said. "Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice." Stiles said.

Boys walked over to dead Chimera and picked him up walking towards Stiles's jeep and placed him in driving to animal clinic.

Eyes of Terror - Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now