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"Do you feel that?" Scott asked feeling some kind of vibrations and Liam and Hera nodded. "Like something's vibrating." Liam said.

"I can't feel where it's coming from." Scott said and Liam placed his hand above the ground and looked back up at them.

"It's coming from everywhere." he said and sighed. "I was just trying to do something right." Liam said.

"You do a lot right." Hera said. "Yeah, but I did one thing really wrong." Liam said with guilt in his voice.

"Hayden's alive. Everything before that doesn't matter." Scott said. "It should. I feel like I had to do more than just say sorry." Liam said.

"Actually, you still haven't done that." Scott said. "Back at my old school..." Liam started and they looked at him.

"At Devenford, I got into a fight with this kid. I knocked two of his teeth out. They made me write a letter of apology." he said.

"We both knew it meant nothing. We both knew that sooner or later, we're gonna get into another fight."

"I can't just say I'm sorry. I feel like I have to do something. Like maybe, somehow I have to save your life." he said.

Scott sighed and kneeled down next to him. "Don't worry. I'm pretty sure you'll get a chance." Scott said and Liam scoffed.

"Well, not down here. We've been walking around for hours and all we've been able to find is some stupid snake sculpture on the wall." Liam said and Hera looked at it.

"You think it's important?" Liam asked. "Maybe." Hera said and nodded to Scott and he turned the snake.

Rumbling was heard and Liam showed to some doors and they walked towards it. Scott opened them and they saw Chris Argent.

Hera started smelling some scent she hasn't felt in almost 16 years. "You didn't." Scott said looking at Chris.

"I had to." Chris said and from the other room cane Gerard. "Hello, Scott." he said and Scott glowed his eyes red.

"I haven't seen that color on you. It suits you." he said. "Who's the old guy?" Liam asked. "Gerard Argent. The hunter." Hera said.

"Bless my eyes. I didn't thought I'd see another were-tiger since the death of your mother, Shiva." Gerard said.

"You killed her. Together with my father and all my people." she growled her eyes blue. "Ah, yes. Sheer Khan and Shiva." he said.

Hera growled and trued to attack him but Liam and Scott held her back. "What were you thinking?" Scott asked Chris.

"That we need him." Chris said. "He's right. If you want to catch a werewolf like the Beast of Gevaudan, you're going to need more than one Argent." Gerard said.

"He knows all the stories. All the folklore. Everything written and everything passed down." Chris said.

"You sure about this?" Scott asked. "Take a look." Chris said and they walked to other room and saw a painting on the wall.

"The one on the right is the Beast of Gevaudan." Chris said. "Do you know what the other one is?" Hera asked.

"The Hellhound." Gerard said. "The guardian of supernatural places. They're both creatures of the night." he said.

"But you may know them as ordinary people during the day." he said. "And most likely neither of them know what they are."

Scott looked at Liam and Hera and they shook their heads. "What is it?" Chris asked them and Scott sighed.

"We found a message in Latin... Damnatio Memoriae." Scott said and Chris looked at Gerard who rose his eyebrows.

"They want it to remember itself." he said. "That might give us time." Chris said nodding his head.

"Time for what?" Hera and Liam asked in the same time. "To prevent this." Chris said and walked over to the wall.

He started punching it on the bottom and few more parts of it fell down on the ground revealing rest of the painting.

"Who are they?" Liam asked looking at dead people at the bottom. "Us." Scott said. "It's all of us." Hera said.

Three of them walked to animal clinic and saw Malia, Braeden and Deaton inside. Hera smiled and hugged Malia.

She hugged her back and then Deaton hugged Hera and then everyone else. She was happy they were finally safe.


Hera came back to her house and closed the doors walking up to her room. She walked inside and saw Theo asleep.

She sighed walking quietly inside the bathroom to take a shower. She looked at her ribs and soon, they should fully heal.

She striped out of her clothes and turned on a warm water and cleaned herself so she doesn't smell like chemicals.

After she was done with everything, she dressed in her pyjamas and entered the room again.

She walked towards the bed and Theo had his back turned to her. She lifted the sheet lightly and got under it.

She traced her fingers over his muscular back and hugged him around his torso placing her leg over his waist.

Theo could feel her scent and he grabbed her thigh stroking it lightly. "How did it go?" he asked.

"It was fine." she whispered and he hummed. She bit her lip and he sniffed the air. "Why are you nervous?" he asked.

"Theo?" she asked and he turned around on the bed now facing her. "I have to ask you something." she said and he nodded.

"Why did you bring back dead Chimeras?" she asked. She knew he doesn't want to tell her but she was just curious.

"I want their power. Josh's electricity, Tracy's venom, Corey's invisibility. That's how I can beat the Beast." he said.

"Have you ever thought of taking my power?" she asked scared. "No. I would never do that." he said and she nodded.

"I'm serious." he said placing his finger under her chin lifting her head up to him. "I would rather die than do that." he said.

He gently pulled her head towards his and connected their lips into gentle kiss. After they pulled away, she placed her head in his neck and they went to sleep.

Eyes of Terror - Theo RaekenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora