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Hera was in the school halls in her tiger shape. Scott and Stiles went to Kira and told her to try to catch the Beast.

She was quietly walking around when she sniffed two more scents. Theo and Tracy. She snarled lightly and continued.

"It's the same message, isn't it?" Tracy asked. "What are they trying to tell it?" she asked again.

"Trying to get it to remember who it was." Theo said. "But isn't it just a teenager like us?" she asked.

"Isn't it just kid underneath?" she asked. "They don't care about that. The Doctors, they needed a body because they couldn't resurrect the Beast out of thin air." he said.

"That kid underneath, whoever it is, just a side effect. All the Doctors care about is the Beast." he said.

"So what happens if it does remember?" Tracy asked. "I'm not sure. The thing doesn't probably even know it turns back to human during the day." Theo said.

"I read that the Beast of Gevaudan killed 113 people. Is that true?" she asked. "No." Theo said smiling.

"The Doctors told me it was closer to 500." he said and suddenly, lights turned off. Tracy took out her claws and walked to other hall.

Doctors came and she tried attacking one of them but he threw her in the lockers and she fell on the floor groaning.

"Leave." Doctor said to Theo. "Where is it?" Theo asked. "You already have your pack." Doctor said again.

"It wasn't enough. Look at my eyes. They look red to you?" Theo said asked and glowed his eyes gold.

"I'm not an Alpha. I'm not even a real
werewolf." he said. "Tigress." one Doctor said and his lips gaped.

"No. Leave her out of this. She's in Scott's pack." Theo said. "You need Tigress." Doctor said and they heard footsteps.

From the corner, the huge beast came out with someone's head in it's hand. It roared and lockers started rattling.

Theo was suddenly pushed to the ground and he recognised her scent. Hera. She growled at the Beast and started charging at it.

"Hera, don't!" he shouted and she jumped on lockers and on Beast's back bitting him and slicing and it growled.

It tried to get her with its hand but couldn't reach her. She bit one more time until it catched her and threw her in the wall.

She yelped in pain and the Beast with Doctors disappeared. She looked behind at Theo and Tracy and ran outside.


Hera woke up and walked in her bathroom. She pulled her shirt up and looked at her broken ribs.

She bandaged it and dressed up for school taking her bag and books, locking the house and walking to school.

In the halls, she saw Liam and Mason and she walked up to them and they greeted her back. Lous squealing was heard.

"Attention all students. Mr. O'Quinn's classes are canceled for today. If anyone knows his whereabouts, please let the office know immediately." voice said through radio.

"That doesn't sound too ominous." Mason said. Liam looked in front and Hera saw Hayden talking with Theo.

"You said Scott told you not to do anything." Mason said. "I know." Liam growled lightly connecting eyes with Theo.

"Liam, you said you weren't gonna get involved." Mason said again. "I know." Liam said clenching his jaw.

"Liam, don't get involved." Mason said again and Theo smiled at Hera and she looked at the ground and they left.

"Has anyone seen Stiles or Scott McCall?" professor asked while giving everyone their tests.

"Can't be the only one who think it's slightly coincidental they're both sick on the same day." she said.

"They don't feel well. I was with them yesterday." Hera said and professor just hummed.

"And Lydia Martin wasn't in class today either." she said. "She won't be in for a while. Medical issues." Theo said.

A small paper landed on Hera's table and she knotted her eyebrows and opened it.

I love you

A smile appeared on her face and Theo smiled at her sudden change of mood. She closed the paper back and started writing her exam.

"Hera..." voice called and she picked her head up and looked in front but everyone was just writing.

She shook it off and started writing again. "Hera..." voice called again. She turned around to look at Theo and he looked confused.

She turned back around when she suddenly saw a tiger at the doors and her lips gaped. "Hera." tiger said.

She knew that tiger. She recognised that voice. It was her father. Tiger was looking at her and she was looking at him.

"Hera..." different voice said and she saw other tiger sitting down next to her father. It was her mother.

"Hera..." more voices started saying and stampede of tigers started running through school halls.

She squinted her eyes shut and when she opened them, she wasn't in class anymore. She was in forest.

It wasn't her forest she grew up in. It was snowing. And it was cold. Very cold. She looked around but nothing except trees.

"Theo?" she whispered. Nothing happened. She started walking around. She started to get very cold.

She was shivering and started to shake. "Hera." she heard a voice calling. "Theo?" she asked looking around.

She looked down at her hands and they were frozen. Her feet were frozen. And her whole body started to freeze.

"Hera!" a voice called again now louder. She looked around but couldn't see anything. Suddenly, her vision started to blur.

She tried to move her hands but couldn't. They were frozen. "Theo?" she whispered again until her whole body went numb.

Hera gasped for air. She looked around and saw she was sitting in school bathroom floor. "Hey, Hera. You okay?" voice asked.

She looked to the side and saw Theo and she exhaled. "What happened?" she asked and he shrugged.

"You just ran out of class. I found you here." he said and she leaned with her head on the wall breathing heavily.

Theo sat next to her and pulled her head in his chest and she sobbed into it. "I can't do this anymore, Theo." she said.

"I don't want to fight against you. And I don't want to betray Scott." she said with her voice cracking.

"I know. And I know you'll never betray someone." he said and she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I don't want to fight with you. I don't want them to hurt you." she said and he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Give me your hand." he said and she obeyed. "I love you, Hera. And whatever happens, I'll always come back for you." he said.



Eyes of Terror - Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now