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"There's four steps." Stiles said as whole pack gathered in Scott's house.

"We get into Eichen, we get into the Closed Unit, we get Lydia, we get out." he said and Scott nodded.

"And we have to do it all of this while getting past orderlies, guards, electric door locks, and a Mountain Ash barrier." Scott said.

"You have a plan for all of that?" Malia asked and Stiles showed one card key. "I stole this last night off an orderly." he said.

"But it's useless 'cause they reset the codes each night." he said. "So why did you take it?" Kira asked.

"I'm getting to that." he said. "The only way to get Lydia out of Eichen is to make that key card work again." Scott said.

"How are you going to do that?" Liam asked. "We're getting to that, okay, just listen." Stiles said and turned around his laptop.

"I pulled all the history off the key card. Two weeks ago, there was a brownout and the security system rebooted." Stiles said.

"During a reboot, all of the key cards revert back to a default code. So, if we trigger a reboot..." he said.

"The card goes back to the default code." Hera said. "It works again." Liam agreed. "How are we going to cause a brownout?" Kira asked.

"That's your part. You're going to draw power from the main line. But only enough to cause the brownout." Scott said.

"Not a blackout.Do that and you send Eichen into lockdown which would be bad. Very, very bad." Stiles said.

"There's an electrical room behind the reception counter. The main power line goes into two breakers that run power to all of Eichen." Scott said showing the map.

"Okay, slight problem. I don't know how to do that." Kira said. "That's okay. You have time to practice." Scott said.

"Let's say all this goes perfectly. How does a brownout get us into the Closed Unit of Eichen?" Malia asked.

"The system takes five minutes to reboot. In that five minutes all the alarms will be turned off the key card should work." Stiles said.

"Liam, Hera and I will get Stiles to the gate of the Closed Unit. But after that, he has to go on his own." Scott said.

"We can't get past the Mountain Ash barrier. And when we're gone, all anyone's going to think is that there was a reboot of the security system caused by a brownout." he said.

"Uh, any questions?" Stiles asked. "How do we get into Eichen House in the first place?" Liam asked confused.

"What's a worst-case scenario?" Malia asked. "What if I can't do it?" Kira asked. "I don't have any questions for now." Hera said.

"Okay, admittedly, a lot could go wrong." Stiles said. "Everything could go wrong." Liam said and Kira nodded.

"Guys, if we don't do this, we lose Lydia. She's going to die in there tonight. And she might take a lot of innocent people with her."


"Just promise you're not coming back in one of these." Melissa said to Hera, Scott and Liam handing them body bags.

"We're coming back with Lydia." Scott said. "We still don't know who's actually doing this. Who the Beast is." Liam said.

"We'll find out." Hera said. "You think it's someone we know?" Liam asked. "I hope not." Scott said.

"You think he even knows he's doing it?" he asked again. "How are you so sure it's a he?" Melissa asked.

"You still mad at me?" Liam asked. "No. But if you try to kill my son again, I'll put you in one of these myself." she said.

"She's still mad." Liam whispered. "Your mom is so cool." Hera said and Scott laughed and nodded.


"Delivery to the morgue." Parrish said coming up. "I don't see you on the list." man said suspiciously.

"You heard about the animal attacks, right? The hospital ran out of refrigerated drawers and Eichen's got the only up-to-code morgue in the country." Parrish said.

"Let's have a look." man said. "I don't think you want to do that." Parrish said and man looked back at him.

"The stench back there almost made me pass out while driving." he said. "Open the back of the van, please." man said.

They opened the bag and man turned on his torch and started lighting the bodies. "I'll need to log the names off the toe tags." he said.

"There's significant decomp. They were found in the county tunnels way past rigor." Parrish said.

"Open them up, please." man said. Parrish opened one bag and when man looked at the body he almost threw up.

"Go, just go." man said almost throwing up as Parrish started opening other bag. He closed the van again and drove in.

"Never again." Hera said opening her bag and turning to the boys and they nodded gasping for air and nodding.

"Fifteen minutes. Starting now." Scott said and they exited their bags getting back on their feet.

They exited the morgue and started walking through one hallway. Hera was behind Scott and next to Liam and Stiles was behind them.

They tried to turn the corner when Stiles pushed them back seeing guards. "What are they doing there?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. Their rounds should've ended five minutes ago." Stiles said. "I can take them." Liam said. "Me too." Hera added.

"No one's taking anyone." Scott said to them. "How much time?" Stiles asked. "Three minutes." Scott said sighing.

"We'll just knock them out and hide the bodies." Liam said. "Oh, my God, please stop." Stiles said.

Suddenly, a boy jumped on one glass and four of them jumped. "Did you take the doctor?" boy asked them.

"What?" Hera and Liam asked in the same time. "Did you take the doctor?" boy asked and guards turned around.

"I haven't had my medication. I need ten milligrams at 8am, 15 milligrams at 1pm, and no more than 20 at dinner." he said.

"We'll get the doctor." Scott whispered. "Dr. Fenris. Dr. Fenris. They took Dr. Fenris." he sobbed and banged on the glass.

"I haven't had my medication. I need to see the doctor. They took Dr. Fenris." boy said banging more on the doors.

"Hey, someone shut him up?" Stiles asked. Scott glowed his eyes red and growled and boy shuttered backing away and guards left.

Suddenly, lights pulsed and they smiled. "She did it. Kira did it." Liam said. "Five minutes to get to Lydia." Scott said.

Stiles tried to read the card but there was no card reader. "Where's the card reader?" he asked and they looked around.

"They must have taken it out when the Dread Doctors got through." Scott said and Stiles looked at him in disbelief.

"Break the doors." Hera said but no one seemed to notice her. She looked at Liam and he sighed.

Eyes of Terror - Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now