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"Run, Hayden! Run!" Liam shouted as Doctors came inside the Sinema trying to kill Hayden and Liam.

Suddenly, Scott jumped inside and started fighting with one doctor. Hayden ran to one corner and Liam started fighting too.

Liam fell on the ground and Theo jumped on him. "Get Hayden out of here. Go!" he said and Liam stood up and started running.

Theo started fighting with one Doctor and he threw him on the floor and started walking towards him.

Theo jumped up and Doctor pinned him against one rod and told him something Scott couldn't hear and left.


Hera was waiting in the animal clinic as boys told her to and was walking around nervously when the doors opened.

"Hey. Is she okay?" she asked seeing Liam carrying Hayden and Theo pecked her lips shaking his head.

Liam held Hayden in his arms in one corner when Scott entered and all four of them looked at him.

"She's getting worse. I think she's dying." Liam said as Hayden gasped in pain and Theo looked at Scott.

"It's got to be some kind of mercury poisoning." he said. "Scott, remember what you promised me?" Liam asked.

"You said you'd do everything you could to save her.If she's a real werewolf, we can save her. You gotta give her the bite." he said.

"No." Scott said. "What do you mean, 'No'?" Liam asked. "Liam, look at her. She's too weak. It will kill her." Scott said.

"We don't know what the mercury's doing to her. We don't even know if it's actually mercury." Scott said.

"This can't be the only way to save her life." he said. "It saved mine." Liam said. "Well, that was different." Scott said.

"You were hanging off a ledge." he said. "You promised. You said you'd do everything you could." Liam said angrily.

"Give me your hand." Hera said and she took Hayden's hand in hers and black veins appeared and Hera grunted.

Suddenly, Scott started gasping for air and Theo threw him his inhaler.

"Guys, I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a werewolf bite, but she's definitely not surviving this." Theo said.

"Hera." Hayden said and she looked at her with pain on her face. "Thank you. For everything." she said and took her hand back.

"Come on, Hayden. Just a little bit more, okay?" she asked and Hayden leaned her head on her shoulder.

"What's that?" Liam asked. "It's called chelation therapy. It removes heavy metals from the blood." Melissa said.

"But, the problem is, is that it can injure the kidneys and Hayden only has one to begin with, so..." she said.

Melissa placed an injection in Hayden's hand and she groaned. "Hey, you're hurting her." Liam said gripping her hand.

"And you're hurting me." she said and Scott glared at Liam and he let her hand go apologising.

"Guys..." Theo called and they turned to him. "Remember, we're here to save a life. Not kill each other." he said.

"It's the full moon. We can feel it even during the day." Scott said. "And it's a Supermoon." Theo said.

"Even I can feel that." Hera said from behind. "What is that supposed to make you guys, like super strong? Super aggressive?" Melissa asked.

"Both." Hera and Scott said at the same time.

"You know we're going to need help with him." Theo asked Scott as two of them were sitting in other room.

"He'll be alright." Scott said. "He's 16 and in love. First love. You remember what that's like?" Theo asked him.

"Yeah, trust me, I remember. Isn't Hera your first love?" Scott asked and Theo nodded. "Yep. And I know how Liam feels."

"All those emotions mixed with the Supermoon. Tonight isn't going to be good." he said and Scott sighed. "I know." he said.

"We need help, and I don't mean restraints or chains. I mean Malia, Stiles, Lydia. You need your pack, Scott." Theo said.

"I'm not sure I have one anymore." Scott said. "Let me talk to them. Let me see what I can do. Okay?" he asked and Scott nodded.

"Theo." Scott called and he turned around. "Thank you." he said and Theo smiled nodding his head and walked outside.

"We're going to hospital." Melissa said and Liam carried Hayden and Scott walked towards Hera.

"What do you think?" he asked and she shook her head. "I don't know, Scott. She's too weak for this." she said worriedly.

"I'm going to find Lydia. You go and find Theo, okay?" he asked and she nodded and both of them ran outside.


Hera was running and she came to her house and when she entered, The grabbed her and she screamed but he calmed her down.

"Theo, listen. We have to help Liam." she started saying fastly. "Hera. Hera, listen." he said and she stopped.

"Listen to me." he said cupping her face in his palms. "Tonight, I have something to do, okay? Something really bad." he said.

"Theo—" she started but he cut her off. "No, Hera, I need you to listen." he said and she stopped looking into his eyes.

"I have to do something bad." he said. "I don't want you to be there. I just want you to be here. Where is safe." he said.

"You're probably gonna hate me after you find out what I did." he said and she shook her head. "No. No, please. Theo." she begged.

"You're going to wish I was dead." he said and tears started running down her cheeks. "Theo, please don't say that." she said.

"I love you, Hera. You know that right?" he asked. "I don't want you to go. Please, Theo." she begged.

He wanted to stay with her. He didn't want to look into her eyes after doing bad stuff. He wanted her to be happy.

He knew that she wouldn't hate him for what he was about to done. He was always a good guy in her eyes.

He could never be a villain to her. He was her anchor. And she was his angel. His saviour. His and his only.

Eyes of Terror - Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now