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"You know, I saw his teeth. Donovan. He was a, uh... Wendigo, wasn't he?" Theo asked and Stiles nodded lightly. "Yeah." he said.

"That's the cannibal one, right?" he asked. "Native American." Stiles said.

"The myth says that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into creature that constantly craved it." he said.

"That's pretty judgemental myth." Theo said. "Well, I didn't make it up." Stiles said and sighed.

"What if it was the only way to survive? I mean, you ever hear of the Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos."

"Well, they didn't live in Beacon Hills." Stiles said. "Good point." Theo agreed. "So what's the punishment for killing a Chimera?"

"You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken. Like I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend." Stiles said.

"I'm gonna lose Scott." he said. "You won't." said a raspy voice from behind and Theo smiled looking at Hera who just woke up.

"Scott is going to understand you. It was a self defence, Stiles. You have to tell him that." she said and he sighed.

"If Scott really gave up on you for some piece of crap like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a True Alpha, would he?" Theo asked.

"Or maybe that's the definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder." Stiles said.

"It sounds like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide." Theo said and Stiles looked at him in disbelief.

"Did you seriously just say that to the son of a cop?" he asked. "A werewolf's eyes are supposed to change color when they take innocent life." Theo said.

"Do these look blue to you?" he asked glowing his eyes gold. "It was self-defense. For all of us." he said.

"Or maybe you just don't feel all that bad about it. You can't say that one life is objectively less innocent than another one." Stiles said.

"What if they turn blue 'cause you feel guilty?" he asked. "So it's up to interpretation?" Theo asked. "Yeah, maybe." Stiles said.

"Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan. Not guilty." he said.

"Did you feel bad about it? Not now. I mean right then. Right when it happened?" Theo asked and Hera looked at Stiles.

"What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him?" he asked.

"One word... Good." Stiles said and Hera looked down at her hands and then started sniffing something strange just like Theo.

"What?" Stiles asked them. "A scent. Do you smell it?" Theo asked Hera and she nodded. "Like smoke. Like something burning."

Something pulled Theo out of the jeep and Hera yelled his name when jeep began to lift and she fell through the front window.

She was laying with bonnet of the car pinning her legs and she was unconscious as the body went missing again.

Suddenly she woke up and screamed in pain. "Stiles! Stiles wake up!" she yelled but he was laying on the floor.

"God!" she groaned and soon, the jeep was lifted a bit and she quickly pulled her broken legs out crying in pain.

Theo pulled Stiles out and told him the body was gone. Hera sat down waiting for her legs to heal.

"We should get you to hospital. You took in a lot of smoke." Theo said. "I'm fine." Stiles said looking at his jeep.

"Suspect in 1-8-7 is in custody and en route to station. Suspect's name is Yukimura, Kira." said the radio.

"What's a 1-8-7?" Theo asked confused. "Homicide." Hera and Stiles said in the same time and shared feared look.


"Hey, is Kira okay?" Stiles asked as he, Hera, Theo and Malia were standing in his house in the living room and Scott entered.

"Scott?" Theo asked as Scott only passed by them and went upstairs where Corey, Mason and Lydia were.

Scott shot his claws into Corey's neck and two of them connected and Scott went in his memory.

"What is he doing?" Theo asked. "Tapping into Corey's memories. It's usually something only Alphas do." Lydia said.

Theo left Hera's side and walked to Scott. "Is it as dangerous as it looks?" he asked. "Probably more." Stiles said.

"Does anyone know if it's working?" Mason asked and Corey and Scott started gasping for air breaking their bond.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Corey cried out. "You'll be alright." Scott said. "There's blood." he said. "You'll heal." Hera snapped.

"Scott..." Stiles started. "He'll be fine! Listen... I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels. Pipes along the walls." Scott said.

"There were these two huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides." he said drawing it into notebook.

"Wait a second. I know this. I've seen it before. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in." Stiles said.

"Remember my dad caught me one time and told me to never go back?" he asked. "It's the water treatment plant." Lydia said.

"That's where they are. That's where we'll find Liam and Hayden." Scott said and started running downstairs.

"Scott, slow down. Just think for a second, okay? Mason should be going." Stiles said. "Liam's my best friend. I'm going." Mason said.

"Oh, did you suddenly get super wolf powers? I wasn't aware of that development." Stiles said and Hera stood next to him.

"Well, if you're not going, I could use the help." Scott said. "No, I'm coming just as soon as I talk to my dad." Stiles said.

"They're moving the body and he wants to make sure that this time no one steals it." he said. "How's he gonna do that?" Malia asked.

"I don't know but whoever took the last one was strong enough to lift my jeep." Stiles said.

"We can bring Theo." Malia said and Hera knotted her eyebrows. "Maybe I better stay here." Theo said from behind Hera.

"You know, in case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey." he said. "Scott, Stiles is right. We need to slow down and think." Lydia said.

"I am thinking... about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead." he said. "You could've hurt him, Scott. Really hurt him." she said.

"I have to find Liam." Scott said and he, Malia and Mason walked outside. "Hey, text me. For anything." Stiles said to Malia.

Eyes of Terror - Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now