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Theo walked in Hera's room in the middle of the night hoping she was asleep and he saw her sitting on her bed.

"What did you do?" she asked with pain in her voice and he swallowed hardly walking towards her.

"Hera, listen." he started but she cut him off. "What did you do? Hm?" she asked and he tried to take her arms but she pulled away.

"Did you kill Scott?" she asked and his lips gaped. "Did you hurt Sheriff?" she asked again pushing him.

"Did you hurt Lydia? Stiles?" she asked pushing him more. "Did you rose dead Chimeras from the death?" she shouted at him.

Tears were streaming down her face and her voice was cracking. She couldn't believe he would do that.

"Why, Theo?! Why did you do that?! Did you meant to hurt me too?! To torture me?! To kill me?!" she shouted hitting him.

She was kicking out all her anger on him but he didn't mind. He let her do it. "Tell me, Theo! Are you going to kill me?!"

He then pulled her into a hug. She tried to push him away but he was holding her too strong so she let herself in.

He was crying too. His tears fell on her silky hair and he kissed the too of her head. "I love you, Theo." she cried out.

"I love you too." he said and picked her up from the ground and walked over to her bed placing her down and he lied next to her.

She was still hugging his torso crying into his chest. He was gently stroking her hair as she calmed down now.


Hera was running through streets towards hospital to see Melissa and ask how is Sheriff. She heard he was in bad condition.

As she broke the doors opened and was breathing heavily gasping for air, she saw Scott, Malia and one man standing there.

She looked at Melissa and woman smiled and nodded her head and Hera exhaled in relief to hear good news.

She ran up to Malia and hugged her tightly. Scott joined them. "Thank god you are okay." she whispered and Scott smiled.

"Hera, I want you to meet Chris Argent." he said and Hera's lips gaped. She knew he was a hunter and that's what scared her.

"Don't worry, Hera. He's not going to hurt you." he said and Chris smiled at her and Hera nodded her head.

"Where's Stiles?" she asked and Scott motioned her with his head to room where she saw him and his dad and she smiled.

"What about others?" she asked. "We're going to get Lydia out of Eichen. Before Theo's pack does." Stiles said and she nodded.


"You see that?" Stiles asked pointing on pool of blood with his torch and Hera and Scott turned to see it.

"I see blood." Scott said. "Look where it leads to." Hera said and moved Stiles's hand to show them.

Three of them looked at each other and Scott kneeled down to move the locker. He tried getting it up but was too weak.

Stiles handed Hera his torch and helped Scott to move it. "Guys." Hera said seeing huge hole in the went and they looked at it.

"We going down?" she asked and Stiles nodded. "We're going down." he said and three of them climbed down the hole.

They were standing in familiar tunnels and Stiles turned on his UV torch and they saw smoke going over the floor.

They were following the smoke until they cane across some letters. "What is that?" Scott asked seeing them.

"'Damnatio memoriae.'" Hera said. "It looks like Latin." Stiles said. "Condemnation of memory." she whispered.

"Hold up that light. I'm gonna get a picture of it." Scott said taking out his phone. Light went away. "Stiles, hold the light still." he said.

Suddenly, they heard Stiles groaning and they looked to the side and he was on the floor paralysed.

They looked to the side and saw Tracy with her  claws out. Hera growled at her and took her were-tigress form.

Her skin went orange with black stripes, she had tail and her legs were like tiger paws and on her hands were sharp claws.

Her huge sharp fangs grew out and her ears changed. Her eyes became icy blue color and she growled loudly.

She started fighting with Tracy giving her severe cuts. "Scott, behind you." Stiles yelled and he turned around to see Josh.

He was surrounded by lightning bolts and Hera threw Tracy to Scott and he pushed her claws in Josh and they fell on the ground.

Scott and Hera looked to the side and sniffed the air feeling Corey. He got out from the shadows and Hera snarled.

She started running towards him ready to take his throat out when voice stopped them. "Okay!" she heard familiar voice shouting.

Theo came from one corner and Hera looked at Corey and threw him to others. "Maybe they're not ready to take on an Alpha." he said and Hera growled at him.

"Or a Tiger." he said. "Especially the ones that can smell fear." he said to Corey. "They got fangs." he cried out.

"What did you do?" Scott asked and Hera went back to her human form and glared at Theo. "I found some new friend." he said.

"I don't take rejection well." he said and looked down at Stiles. "Hey, Theo!" Stiles said. "Stiles." Theo greeted back.

He looked at the letters on the ground and crushed it. "You're going to leave here thinking that you need to worry about me." he said.

"But you're wrong. We're actually back on the same side. Because that thing... That's what we need to worry about." he said.

"Your pack and mine. We're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers, but at night, we're going to fight for our lives." Theo said.

"What is it?" Stiles asked. "It's not a Chimera." Theo said. "But it's just a kid underneath." Scott said. "Someone like us." he said.

"Not anymore." Theo said and he and his pack left.

Eyes of Terror - Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now