The Bachelor Party

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"Where are you and papa going daddy?" Camilla asked as she walked into her parent's hotel bedroom where Keith had just slipped on a black t-shirt and was searching the closet for a jacket.

"Papa and I are going out with our friends to celebrate," Keith answered as he pulled out his trusty red leather jacket and laid it on the bed.

"What are you celebrating?" she asked as she climbed onto the bed and plopped down.

"Our upcoming wedding," Lance answered as he walked into the bedroom with Marina and Kosmo by his side.

"Which is not for another two weeks," Keith pointed out with a roll of his eyes. "I don't know why we're doing this now."

"Because," Lance said with a smile, wrapping his arms around Keith's waist and leaning his chin on Keith's shoulder. "Wedding planning is a lot of work and we still have stuff to plan."

"Can we come?" Marina asked as she climbed onto the bed beside Camilla.

"Not this time baby," Keith said with a shake of his head.

"But, your abuela Rosa did say that she and abuelo Michael have something special planned for you two."

"What is it?" Camilla asked.

"Well, if we told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Keith asked. "Speaking of, we should probably head out. Unless we want Pidge and Matt to drill into us."

"Well they wouldn't," Lance said with a smirk as Keith pulled away to slip his jacket on and told the girls to grab their overnight bags. "That's my job."



"Did we have to choose a club?" Keith asked with a soft groan as he sat down at the table with Pidge, Matt, Romelle, Allura, Shiro, Adam, Hunk, and Shay.

"Well, how else were you guys gonna get drunk?" Pidge asked with a smirk.

"And who says I'm gonna get drunk?" Keith asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You're gonna sit there and tell me you're not going to get drunk at your own bachelor party?" Pidge tested with a raised eyebrow.

"Ten bucks says Keith gets trashed by the end of the night," Matt called out with a smirk, calling a waitress over.

"Twenty says he manages to hold out for the night and Lance gets trashed by the end of the night," Hunk challenges with a smirk.

"Hey!" Lance exclaims. "When did I get pulled into this?"

"Thirty says they both get trashed by the end of the night," Adam challenges with a smirk. "And they have wicked sex later."

"Adam!?" Keith exclaims staring at his brother-in-law with wide eyes.

"I'll take that bet," Shiro pips up with a smirk.

"I hate all of you," Keith grumbles with a glare, just as the waitress shows up.

"Hi guys, what can I get you all to drink?" she asks with a smile.


"Ask for money, and get advice

Ask for advice, get money twice

I'm from the dirty, but that chico nice

Y'all call it a moment, I call it life"

Okay, maybe Keith was a little tipsy.

And by a little, he meant a lot tipsy.

He couldn't even remember how many drinks he's had. What didn't help was when his drink was empty, there was another to replace it. He had a feeling Pidge was the mastermind behind it but she was as trashed as he was so he had no way of finding out.

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