
191 5 46

An: This is basically a bounty for threats that even the Deities Pantheon have a difficult time capturing or stopping.

Primary Threats:
Mastermind (AEM)
Bounty: 500 Omniverses worth of wealth.

An: Due to attacking Zeta Prime, stole a piece of Drasil, and causing so much disturbance. He is a threat to all of balance.

Amara Elymas.
Bounty: 150 Omniverses worth of wealth.

Axis Union Order Council
Bounty: 50 Omniverses worth of wealth.

Axis Union Order Pawns
Bounty: 25 Omniverses worth of wealth.

Secondary threats:
Scarlet King:
Bounty: 10 Omniverse worth of wealth.

Time beast (Ben 10)
Bounty: 5 Omniverses worth of wealth.

Trans dimensional Monster (Ben 10)
Bounty: 5 Omniverses worth of wealth.

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