Training pt 1.5: My Polearm training

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An: basically my training to properly use Solstice spear.

Within the training district.

1st Day.

Author POV.

While everyone else are training I had decided to train with the Primordial Crimson.

While everyone else are training I had decided to train with the Primordial Crimson

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Which was given to me by Ninjacomix. However I decided to create a clone with combat memories of Solstice younger self to properly trained myself and learn how Solstice fight.

Me: "Geez Solstice younger self was truly the best polearm warrior" I said getting my *sses kick by the clone.

2nd Day.

After 12 hours of none stop training I took 12 hours of rest and in the morning I woke up and ate breakfast. However I decided to take a look at Primordial Crimson and realize I can recreate my own version. So I head to the forge and spend six hours recreating my own Polearm weapon which is the same as Primordial Crimson but the color is different.

An: replace the red colors with blue and black with silver.

Me: "Mm I think: Primal Azure, fits you" I said and start my training by switching polearm weapons whenever I get the chance during combat.

3rd Day.

Took me six hours but I managed to perfect my training switching between the two Polearm weapons.

An: basically similar to the video fighting styles.

So with no delay I fought against the clone and manage to defeat it. However I know that sparring against Comix will be a challenge. So I decided pay a visit Zeta Prime since it's gonna be my first time going there.

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