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"This is the last one! Smile!" Patty says and pulls me closer. Andrew pokes my side, making me lean and laugh. How does he know I'm ticklish? I will get my revenge later. The camera flashes and the photographer gives us a thumbs up. Shit. I probably look stupid in all of the pictures. "Oooh! Let's go look!" Patty squeals, running to the camera. They have a whole photo studio in their house and a photographer on call. They're rich rich.

"Awwwww, August! You're so cute!" She turns the camera around and shows me the picture. Ew. Everyone else is Smiling normally and I'm slightly hunched over smiling with my eyes closed. Gross. I don't fit in at all. "That one is going on the wall for sure!" Steven announces. Oh god, please don't. "I think it's my favorite family photo yet." Andrew elbows me smiling.

When we exit the photo room, the doorbell rings. "Oh! It must be them!" Patty quickly pushes past us and runs down the hall and down the stairs. I wonder who we're having dinner with. I hope they don't suck.

"I'm so glad you could make it! Did you bring Junior?" Patty squeals. Junior? Do they have a kid? "No, Thank you for inviting us." No. I know that voice. I know that voice too fucking well.

From the top of the stairs, I can see her. Lanky with long hair tied into a bun. Fitted with a red cocktail dress. "August! Andy! Come meet the Galloways!" she shouts.

I don't need an introduction.

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