Fighting For Love Pt.2 (KamaNiwa/SasaLuc)

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AN: This is my first time writing Samuel! He'll eventually make an appearance in the main fic (he was mentioned in the first chapter!) but here he is for now! I will probably write him more, I do have plans to write a fic at his time at Dateko (his first year is after the third years graduate btw).

Sam realized one important thing growing up. One major fact of life that he was glad he learned early on as it help prevent a lot of pain to not just him, but his family.

It was that his mom was a dick.

She was the type who thought omegas are weak and only exist to be housewives. She had told him that he needed to look and act desirable so he could marry rich just like she did. She regularly ragged on the other omegas in the family, Luciel and Kaname, for many reasons. Mostly stemming on how she hated that they played volleyball. She kept saying that wouldn't get an alpha doing things like that.

Ironic considering how they met their boyfriends.

She considered them property, and had tried to set them up with her friend's kids multiple times. Usually, Luc sense when Moni's moms eventually find out they immediately make her stop. You'd think that knowing that they were taken would make her stop, but no.

She wouldn't.

And she wonders why he hates her guts (Well that and she's never around).

She had spread this poison to her other kids too. Serena and Stephen were both alphas, and were the definition of an asshole alpha. Dated whatever omega they thought was pretty (or would put out) and dump them when they got bored of them. Treated omegas, especially Luc and Moni, like they were lesser than them. They just ignored Sam mostly (something which he was thankful for). Somehow, they still had omegas practilly begging to be their partner. Their friends were the exact same.

Like these two idiots. So desperate to get some they're making fools of themselves.

"You two and just sit there and look pretty. We got this."

"No thanks. I would like to pass this class." Sam couldn't help but snort. Shitsuren kept trying to flirt with Luc, but he shot it down every time. It was almost comical.

Katomoi wasn't much better. He was a bit too close to Moni and although he definitely was uncomfortable, he was too afraid to say or do anything about it.

"Are you sure? Such pretty omegas like you shouldn't stress yourselves over this~"

"I-I'm sure."

"You're forgetting this omega was captain once. Not only that he deals with me willingly. Stress is his normal emotional state" Luc said. He was done with their shit. He just wanted to finish this project and never talk to either of these idiots. Again.

That seemed to shut them up. They went back to working on the project, although Kato was still too close to Kaname. Sam just sat on the couch, pretending to play on his laptop but secretly more interested in the conflict taking place at the dinner table.

About 20 minutes later, Shitsu tapped Luc on the shoulder. When the omega looked up, he pulled Luc's glasses off his face. "Hey! What the-"

"You know, you look prettier without your glasses."

Luc glared at him, and Shitsuren froze. Sam knew from experience that Luc's silver eyes had a quality that made it seem like they were piercing through to your soul.

"Oh yeah? Well, you also look prettier without my glasses."

The alpha frowned "I was trying to give you a compliment."

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