Yasushi vs The Crib (KamaNiwa/SasaLuc)

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AN: This was a stupid idea I've had for a while. Finally decided to do it

"I can help."

"No." Kaname pouted at his husband who had his arms crossed with a stern expression on his face.

"I want to help."

"Sometimes you need help getting up from the couch. You are not helping." The alpha couldn't help but chuckle a little inside thinking about it.

"It's soft and I sink into it. This is different."

"Kaname. No." The omega whined. He was 27 weeks pregnant with their first pup. A few weeks ago, the couple had a baby shower thrown and planned by their family and friends. Out of the many gifts they received, the one from Kaname's moms was a crib. It was very generous, but they had to put it together. Or rather, Yasushi was going to, and Kaname was going to sit and watch.

"I'm not helpless. I still do my work"

"On light duty. And you know you're high risk. You're not going to strain yourself if I can help it." Kaname gave an annoyed sigh. His husband had always been the protective type, even while they were dating. But once he got pregnant it was a whole other level. Yes, it was for good reason as due to his anxiety he was considered high risk, but he also disliked being treated like he was helpless.

"Look." The alpha placed his hands on the omega's shoulders "I get that you want to help love, but I don't want you to get hurt." One of his hands moved down, rubbing the swell of the omega's belly. "I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to either of you. Can you just relax? For me?"

The omega looked down before sighing "Okay."

Yasushi smiled, giving his mate a kiss "Thank you. I got this. I promise."

He did, in fact, not got this.

Yasushi overestimated his skills. Being a furniture upholsterer he thought he would have an edge on this.

But no.

For the last 15 minutes, all he's managed to do is teach his husband some very creative ways to put together curse words. He's not even halfway done putting the damn thing together.

"You know the baby can hear you. Do you need some help?"

"I'm far enough away for him to not hear me. And I got this."

"Mmm-hmm. If you say so." Kaname chuckles.

"Hey. I do stuff like this all the time. I can tot-Ow fuck."

"What happened?" Kaname sat up from where he was sitting on the couch. He would've gone to check on his husband but...well he couldn't get off the couch.

"Pinched my finger. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I can help..."

"Trust me" He's not even sure if he trusts himself.

"Kaname. Kaname. Wake up. I finished it."

"Mmm?" The omega didn't even realize he had fallen asleep. His husband was gently nudging him awake. From the looks of it, it was night.

"I finally put together the damn thing. Come on." Yasushi held out his hands for the other to grab. The omega did, allowing the other to help him off the couch. His husband led him to the nursery. In the middle of the blue walled roomed was the built crib. His husband looked at him proudly.

"See? I told you I could-" Before his husband could finish, the crib collapsed in a heap onto the carpet.

Yasushi looked at it, dumbfounded. Kaname chuckled.

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