Chapter 77

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The sales of almond milk tea and honey grapefruit tea are not bad. They are very popular with children, and many adults also like the taste and ask for a cup from time to time.

Especially as the weather is getting colder day by day, people like to drink something hot, making these two kinds of tea more and more attractive to customers. 

Moreover, these two kinds of tea can not be learned by others and can not be made by themselves. If you want to drink it, you can only buy it at Li Mo's shop.

In this way, selling snacks and teas in the store has not faded with the passing of the day, and each month also gives the store several dollars of silver income.

But the cold weather also has its drawbacks: as the weather becomes colder and colder, Li Mo finds that the number of customers in the store has been decreasing in recent days, and even the customers in the lounge, which is always more lively, are also gradually decreasing, and Li Mo must say that this is because of the weather.

Li Mo is worried that people will be more reluctant to go out when the weather gets colder and will only want to stay at home. Then, those customers who used to bring their children to play will continue to decline, and the store's business will also be affected.

In this case, if you want to increase the popularity of the store, you have to make the store warmer than home, so that people are willing to come and stay.

Therefore, Li Mo immediately decided to start using the furnace.

Li Mo lives in the south and does not have the habit of heating houses like people in the north. Because of the climate problems caused by geography, kangs can not be built here, so people mostly burn fire pots to keep warm in the winter.

Li Mo thought of this problem when the weather started to get cold, so she designed a big iron stove with a small door in the belly of the furnace, which could be filled with firewood and closed afterwards to prevent the firewood from falling out. 

And there are many tiny openings around the stove. The heat of the fire can be exposed from each of the openings, making the surrounding air warm.

When Li Mo first designed it, she let Song Dashan take her drawing to the blacksmith's store and he made several large iron stoves directly according to what Li Mo wanted. Then the weather was not so cold, so Li Mo kept it in the house without any use, and now it is finally time to put it to use.

Li Mo put one stove in Sister Qin's room and another in the room where she and Song Dashan slept, intending to try out the heating ability of the stove while sleeping at night.

When Li Mo went up, not only was the blanket hot, but Song Dashan also wrapped her tightly in his broad chest, which made her body warm. For Li Mo, who was always afraid of the cold, this was the most comfortable time she had ever had in the winter season, and that was because of the big natural heater.

That's why they hadn't used the fireplace in their room before and only planned to try it tonight.

Song Dashan brought a pile of firewood from the woodshed, first lit it with firewood, and put it on the stove. When the fire came up, he slowly put the firewood in through the stove's door until the firewood started to burn. Then he closed the door of the stove and let the fire burn slowly.

Li Mo stood at the side of the stove, which was about the same height as her, and soon she felt the heat emanating from it and warming up her whole body.

After a while, her body began to heat up, and Li Mo backed up a little to feel the better temperature.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Mo, who was standing quite far away, once again felt hot, hot, and even a little stuffy, so the heat had filled the room.

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