Chapter 81

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Business in the store continued to be good until the 27th day of the New Year. After Li Mo closed the door of their store on the night of New Year's Eve, she announced to everyone that the store was officially closed.

Everyone was happy that they could finally take a rest and welcome in the New Year after so many busy days.

On the 28th day before the New Year, Meizi and Tiezi rushed over from the village with Xiao Shu, and the family was officially gathered. Then, like all ordinary families, they started to prepare for the New Year.

Song Dashan took Tiezi to the market to buy chicken, duck, fish, and meat for the New Year, as well as firecrackers.

Sister Qin took Aunt Wu and Dani and cleaned the house inside and out, then took off all the bed sheets and covers from each room and washed them.

Li Mo and Meizi went into the kitchen to prepare the food for the New Year.

The family worked for two days, and by the evening of the 29th day before Chinese New Year, all the preparations were completed.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, before Li Mo woke up, the others were already busy preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner, while she, as a national treasure, was refused by everyone whenever she asked if there was something she could help with. 

So she could only go and play with the three little kids.

The three little kids were infected with the New Year's Eve atmosphere. They were so happy that they woke up early in the morning and played together happily.

When Xiao Bao saw Li Mo coming towards them, he got off the wooden horse and ran to Li Mo, hugging her leg, and came and talked to Li Mo's belly, "Sister, are you awake?"

Ever since he found out that Li Mo had a little baby in her belly, Xiao Bao has been interested in Li Mo's belly. He has always wanted to touch it and see it. But he couldn't see anything because of Li Mo's thick clothes in winter, but he was still very motivated. 

The first thing he did every morning when he woke up was to look for Li Mo and his little sister in Li Mo's belly.

Li Mo used to wake up very early, and Xiao Bao would always look for her, but since she became pregnant, she was always sleepy and could sleep more than two hours longer than before. So now, whenever Xiao Bao comes to her in the morning, he will always be caught and stopped by Song Dashan. 

Then he would tell him. "Your sister is still sleeping in your mother's belly. You have to wait until your sister wakes up to greet you. You have to wait patiently for your sister to wake up. "

When Xiao Bao heard Song Dashan's words, he nodded his head and went to play on his own. After Li Mo woke up, he would come over and talk to his sister in Li Mo's belly.

When Xiao Bao decided that the baby in her belly was her sister, at first, Li Mo told Xiaobao, "The baby in your mother's belly could be a little brother. How do you know that it's a younger sister? "

Xiao Bao blinked his eyes and said to Li Mo, "But I want a sister, and Xiao Shu is my brother. So, mother, you're welcome to give me a younger sister. "

In Xiao Bao's world, all the people he knew were boys. He was surrounded by younger brothers and older brothers, so he especially wanted a little sister.

Seeing that Xiao Bao wanted a sister so much, Li Mo stopped talking and let Xiao Bao call the baby in her belly his younger sister. Maybe if they always referred to her as a sister, she'd come out as a younger sister. 

Anyway, she also liked having a daughter. She already has Xiao Bao as a son, and it's just right to have a daughter. She could have both a son and a daughter.

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