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The two had fallen asleep after an hour had passed into Sasuke's rampage. They were now huddled face to face, hands in a prayers pose snug under their cheek and close enough to hear each others even breathing. With it being so cold, they had to share covers, giving each other equal spread. Something loud and clanky soon disturbed their peaceful sleep. The noise intensified when new sounds joined followed by another voice. 

Itachi awoke first, cursing under his breath about a dead little brother and horses...yes horses. It was one of his younger kin's many odd fears. He heaved himself up out of bed, waking his sleeping partner for a minute. 

"W-What's going on?" The agent mumbled, snuggling deeper into the sheets, enjoying the mixture of bone chilling cold and warmth.  

"I've no idea, but I'm going to find out and kill it." He opened the door, peeking down the hall to see a familiar speck of silver move by into the kitchen. In stealth mode he stalked in the shadows along the hall and up behind the taller figure in every day clothing.

"Itachi, I trained you. What makes you think I didn't see you spying in the hallway?" The man sighed, setting a large black brief case on the counter. He then turned around, a hand at his side and smirk showing through his halved navy blue face mask. One clear onyx eye on his red-faced pupil. 

"It was a good idea when I thought about it, sheesh!" He stood back up straight, yawning and stretching with a shamed smile. "What are you doing here, Kakashi?" 

"Sasuke said you guys needed some help." Kakashi pointed over to the couch in the living room where the older ravens brother sat with his back to them, spikey hair visible at an angle. 

Itachi walked over to him, leaving his teacher to work. On the way he noticed all the new equipment around the place. There were many opened duffle bags and cases that held a variety of things ranging from explosives to ammo to guns and even gear. Around on the sofa he could see that his little brother had already changed into his SWAT team like getup minus the helmet. "Are you going to rob a bank?"

"That's not funny. You know exactly what I'm doing." Sasuke shook his head and loaded his MP5, going with a submachine gun class for a change. 

"Yeah and it's equally stupid. You can't go in alone." He dropped down beside the other male in the bulletproof vest and pulled over the table now coated in weapons and other 'essentials'. 

"I wasn't! Besides, pops wouldn't have allowed it anyway. I still can't go to the park without someone going with me." 

"Precisely, you both go or I only go." The man in the kitchen smiled and parented the two that laughed in response. He was putting together a sniper rifle for his oldest 'son' that had more skill with the weapon. 

"As long as I don't have to hold his hand the whole way again, I'm good.  Hey, pass me that-Yeah, thanks." Itachi received some C4 from his brother, tending to the wiring afterwards. 

"You're both going to do whatever it takes to bring Naruto back. I and Iruka will handle the government rats," Kakashi said in an orderly tone, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him. The blonde was the attention seeking baby of his three boys so it was odd and difficult not to hear his voice whenever he was around the others. He kept looking off to the side every once in a while, expecting to see admirable baby blue staring up at him pleadingly for a new gun or outfit. Oh the credit card bills...but it was worth it.

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