Rescue Baby Doll

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Sasuke took the explosives, saying, "Hey, we'll be a minute late getting inside so just improvise till then. Come on, Suko!" He quickly grabbed the agent by the elbow and dragged him off before his brother could stop them.

"Where are you-Fine!! Just make it quick! We are on a deadline here!!" Itachi shouted, grunting as he set up his rifle stand.

"I know, I know!"

"What are we doing?!" Suko asked, struggling to keep up as they made it to their parked jeep a few feet away.

"Something I should of done a long time ago. Keep watch, will ya?" He grabbed a fuel tank and some matches, stuffing them into the bag and praying that it'll actually work. He then zipped up the duffel and got up off the ground. "Okay, let's go."

Suko shouldered his weapon and headed out with the raven at his side waving to the sniper over yonder. They ran half a mile to the outer perimeter before stopping to hide behind a sand dune. The place was built like your average fortress with concrete walls topped off with barbed wire and patrols. One wide metal gate was the only way in and out of the place. It was sadly protected by two officers.

"Okay guys, I'll drop the two guards up top when the gate opens. Be prepared to move on my signal." Itachi's voice came in over the bluetooth earpieces they had on.

Sasuke brought two fingers to his ear and responded with, "Copy that. We're ready whenever you are." That agent beside him was hyperventilating so he patted him on the back to relax.

"We got this. Calm down..." He squeezed the kids shoulder for this was no time to freeze.

"They're moving out, suit up!" The sniper warned through the mic.

The agent relaxed and slowed down his breathing, using his sandy surroundings for comfort. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't terrified still. It was hard not to be when they were breaking into his own organization. The ones that tried to kill all of them and then took his new friend. Okay their actions were justified.

The gates screeched open and a jeep full of soldiers came speeding out in the opposite direction to the plane crash. Two popping sounds were heard soon after followed by two bodies dropping near the gate. That was their cue so they moved out, halting near the dead soldiers, tossing smoke and explosive grenades through and over as more popping sounds went off over head, taking out the patrols up top.

Gray clouded the sky along with fire, debris, screams and curses.

"Masks up." Sasuke reached in the bag and pulled out their smoke masks.

Once they slipped them on with ease, they spent some time about executing any stragglers in their way from making it inside the complex and or other. The alarms sounded of course but that's what they wanted. A lot of commotion meant mistakes they could use to blend in easily since they were all sort of dressed alike minus the masks. And with Suko as the guide through, they shouldn't be stuck running around looking for the holding place...that they didn't know Naruto wasn't at.

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