A Good Friend

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By the time Suko arrived it was more than an hour into the evening gone. It wasn’t his fault. The hotel was so rundown looking that he’d passed by it twice, mistaking it for a staged crime scene. He parked anywhere in the parking lot since it had no lines. He then exited the car in his plain white-t and jeans with black sneakers. A normal hot Wednesday get up for an odd encounter. On his way, there was so much trash on the ground that he gave up on trying to avoid everything. He did make sure to dodge unused and used condoms, gum, toilet paper, peculiar dvds and other disgusting junk. 

Room 1408 was thankfully on the bottom of the complex so he wouldn’t have to go up and see more horrors. He jogged over to the building and down a little ally to the fifth room on the right. When he knocked, the door opened slightly off its hinges. Alarm fueled his next action he took. He slowly pushed the door in with his gun drawn just to see the small space unable of hiding anyone. He eventually spotted the blonde on the floor to the right by a chair.  He holstered his weapon back in its hold at his side and approached the sleeping man, hoping he was just napping. 

“Naruto?” He whispered, kneeling down, making another mistake by touching the sleeping males shoulder. He’d never been pinned down so fast in his life. It all happened in a blur and ended with his wrist suddenly held behind his back and face kissing the wooden floors. 

“Oh, Suko! Hunny, don’t sneak up on me like that!” Naruto yawned before releasing the lad with a smile, helping him up off the ground. He’d accidentally fallen asleep after his mediation session that didn’t really go so well. 

“My bad…” He laughed self-consciously, massaging his wrist.  Emerald looked around the room that had the aftermath of a twister. He could see the blondes things in the chair, ready to go, and the pool of water just pouring from the bathroom. The dressers were done for, tv was busted due to alcohol spilt all over it by the looks of the bottle above it and a ash stray had been flung on the bed, spreading its contents everywhere. 

“Um... what happened?” 

“Well I took a lovely bath and got my things together.”  The blonde giggled, arms flailing out and coming back to his side in new found energy.  He shuffled around the boy and over to get his things, scooping his case up by the handle and sliding the gun in the case side with his phone back safe in his hoodie pocket. 

“I mean to the room.” Suko motioned while taking a stroll around, wondering how someone could live here. 

“Oh...Well the plumbing and tv are busted, I didn’t like the bed sheets and I don’t like drinking or smoking so yeah. We need to go!” Naruto explained in a hurry, pulling the MERC agent out of the vandalized place. The blonde had had a wrecking spell and destroyed the room in the most nicest way he could without setting the building on fire. 

The car ride back to the lad’s place was at least a reprieve from the days past events. He sat on the drivers side with his case in lap, hands rummaging through his hair as he looked in the visor mirror. He had a bad habit with those things.  

“So how can I repay my savior, Suko?” The blonde teased with a glance to other, lips poked out. 

“You don’t have to, really. I don’t want to take advantage of you given your situation. I can’t possibly understand what you’re going through personally but I do get that you’re clearly upset.” Suko smiled softly up to the rear mirror at his shocked passenger. Focused back on the road, he didn’t see the kiss coming that landed on his cheek, making them resemble tomatoes.  

“Thank you, love. You might be my new boyfriend after all of this is over.” He chuckled lightly, closing the visor and  leaning against the car window in a daze, wondering if his ex already found a new partner…

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