Party Bus and Dancers

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Back at the hotel, the gentlemen in the ballroom were heading outside. They'd both received a text from the wedding planner to meet by the grand marble pillars and flower patches along the red carpet. They waited pass evening time, enduring the change in temperature from hot to cold and cursing the planners good name. He was just down the street from them so his tardiness was inexcusable. Voicemails and messages were sent back to back relentlessly every ten minutes. They gave him one more hour before Sasuke couldn't take it any longer and pulled out his cell, calling his bride to be in hopes he had a clue where his first best man was.

"Hey, baby doll," He smiled like an idiot with a hand to his hip and the other holding the phone to his ear. The last time he saw his blonde was early this morning so hearing his voice felt more than just good. "I miss you too. Hey, quick question, have you seen my brother? He was supposed to be here hours ago and-Yeah, we called him but-Oh...Oh...Wait, Kato's here?!"

"Whose Kato?" Suko asked from an Indian style position on the sidewalk, looking up. He'd thought he'd been filled in on everyone there is to the Uchiha family and friends but apparently not. He could tell this Kato person must be an unsavory character judging by the disgusted faces the raven was making.

"No, no, babe- Why is he here?! I don't under-...I know he's family but- Of course, I love you! It's just that-Okay...okay..But- Well, he's a whore! Out of all your friends, he's the only one that- No, I'm not taking sides." He groaned, pinching the ridge between his eyes. Ebony soon widened at something that his friend on the sidewalk assumed was either shocking, distasteful or all of the above.

"He wants to do what?! Naruto we promised we wouldn't go to strip clu- Well, fuck Kato! I don't trust him with you! I-Yes, I trust you but not him...Alright- Alright, but don't let him take you anywhere near another naked or half naked man unless it's me, in which case it'll be a brothel for two.... Ha, we would get closed down for f-"

"Seriously, Sasuke? I'm right here!" He got up quick, plugging his ears with his fingers and tromping a good distances away. He had enough images of their sex life in his head to make three stag reels. He didn't need anymore to reach four. No amount of counseling could wipe the wrongful pictures from his head. To save the last piece of innocence he had left and to annoy his tormentor, he sung the first thing that came to his mind, the Elmo theme song. The disturbed and partly frightened looks he got from passersby and the raven himself were unparalleled to his broken singing.

"Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayons too!"

Sasuke's brow twitched in aggravation when his friend started to sing in his ear. "I think I'll call you back...Hm? Oh, I might have to kill Suko...Yeah, that's him singing the damn- What?! I didn't do anything, I swear! I-...I know...I'll talk to him...Okay, love you too." He frowned, hanging up and raking his fingers through his hair in exasperation. His blonde sounded like he was about to go somewhere which worried him. He switched his focus to the childish singing, glaring down the younger male.

"You can stop now, Suko!" He shouted, getting pissed off even more when the other turned up the volume. Giving up, he decidied to text Naruto instead and find out where he was going, never getting a response back.

Suko couldn't and still didn't want to hear a single word. He kept on with his happy song, hitting his third playthrough. His voice was drowned out by the approach of an all black party bus that pulled up, skidding to a halt in front of the hotel. The Uchiha fan symbol took up the center of the vehicle's side that was also a slide door.

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