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Naruto couldn’t ‘hitch’ a ride on the way back to the hotel since the traffic was busy with kids getting out of school and such, so he had to hike all the way back. He was sweating, aching and infuriated from the mile trip, head a little fuzzy from the heat. He passed by the innkeeper whom said something about his partner making it back before him and changing the locks. He of course already knew the raven would do such a thing and was pretty sure the owner wasn’t supposed to tell him that.

He didn’t complain though. He just nodded his thanks and went on his way. When he broke into the room, he wasn’t surprised in the least to see all of the ravens things gone and the place ransacked.

The dresser drawers had been carelessly removed as if the man was in a hurry. The bed was askew but that wasn’t new...Some of his own things that he could see, were still there, which was a good sign. Or maybe Sasuke thought he was dead and therefore didn’t see the need to take the blondes stuff.

He shook away those bad thoughts, closing the door. At least he knew he was safe here for a while. With a sore back, feet and legs, he crashed onto the bed face first. Arms sprawled out and dampened blonde spikes falling. He took in his loves scent, imagining how after a long mission the raven would give him a thorough massage from his toes on up to his shoulders, making him giggle amongst other things. He moaned helplessly against the fabric, bunching them up with his arms, having a brief and over exaggerated flashback.

‘Oh Sasuke...I’m burning up...’ He’d whine helplessly on the bed in his white shoulder crop sunday dress with a back hand to his brow.

‘I can fix that.’ Sasuke would say, smiling softly, completely ripped off from the movie Holes.

What the raven actually would tell him to do was get his lazy ass up and turn on the AC. This made him chuckle and he purred in delight at the daydream nonetheless. He had to admit he loved the man’s crude nature sometimes. It made him stronger when they were kids growing up in secrecy. He’d always push Naruto to his full potential. Even though his methods were unorthodox.

The constant insults that would slow down most, made him faster. Being outdone in every test would make some feel weak, but it inspired him to be even stronger.

All that effort he put in was partially because Sasuke gave a damn in that special sense. He groaned and winced as he pushed himself up off the mattress, stretching out his arms and arching his back. He got a whiff of himself and cringed, gagging as he covered his mouth. He smelled like blood, sweat and a choice word he would say to describe his boyfriend.

“Bath time.” He sweetly song happily, spirit rising with purpose. He grabbed a towel off the dresser drawer and headed inside the bathroom where he stalled in the now ajar doorway. The towel slipped out of his hands as his eyes darted to the tub. There was a trash bag inside with a red rope tied around the opening. He took baby steps over to the porcelain bath and dropped down to his knees.

He opened the bag with shaky digits. The last piece of his heart then took a suicide dive off at the sight. Broken baby blue eyes leaked from the destruction that had been done to his birthday magnums and scrap book. His special weapons had been mutilated and his whole album had been torn and shredded, pictures in pieces everywhere out of there binds.

Years of memories just ripped to pieces...All the images of his friends that had passed away were now truly gone. Hands trembled as they touched the strips and broken metal. The one thing that showed him true emotion when his man didn’t, was no more…

“Why’d you…” His voiced cracked in the silence, tears flowing harder and dripping from his cheeks as the pain grew. His fingers soon folded back into fist before he stiffened, chest rising and falling, jaw locked and eyes closed, rocking back and forth on his knees to calm down. ‘Deep breaths...deep breaths now….deep breaths...relax and-...and...Oh fuck it.’ The salted flow stopped the moment crystals shot open, glass shattering wrath reflected in once loving blue.

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