All For Naught

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Back in Suko’s now beat up SUV, that was still thankfully drivable , the trio took shortcuts around the block to avoid oncoming police cars and ambulances. They were heading off to Itachi’s emergency apartment since it was obviously safer than the agents house. The ride was quiet due to Sasuke remaining knocked out in the back seat. His brother had decided to drive. It was only because he didn’t want to have to point directions, limiting the conversation between him and the owner of the car. 

The discreet drive lasted an hour to the complex. Streetlights lit the way along the sidewalk of the parking lot for them to find a good space. There weren’t many cars around or people out so it was easy to carry the raven in without arousing suspicion. Inside the apartment was basically nothing. There was only one couch and one cocktail table in the living room. The kitchen was neat and right by the door but there were no tables or chairs. This was starting to look like a place just  to lay low in. 

They set Sasuke down on the couch carefully, not sure if they heard him mumble the blondes name or not.  Then they tended to setting up a makeshift bed on the floor, allowing the unconscious male to have the couch. Itachi went to the back, getting sheets and pillows while Suko sat up front to watch the man’s brother in case he woke up. 

The younger raven must have been having a bad dream since he was rolling around and mumbling to himself. By the time the oldest had come back, the other had stopped his thrashing. They set up the covers on the floor, careful not to wake up the unstable man. Itachi soon said his goodnights afterwards, turning off the ceiling light before leaving off to his own room to sleep. 

The agent laid there in the dark for a while, slipping into a slumber himself with his back turned to the couch, unaware that Sasuke was up and watching him now. A couple of hours from midnight passed and he awoke to cursing and a bright light. He sat up groggily, pushing the sheets aside and hearing the door slam shut. Emerald bolted open to see the youngest of the brothers standing at the door with a orange duffel bag over his shoulder, shaking his free hand as if he’d hit it on something. 

“What? Had to get my things.” The raven shrugged, walking over, not bothering to apologize for waking him up. He dropped the bag down by the little table now covered with a book, images and a lamp. He then sat down indian style, slamming the agents  car keys on the table before rummaging through the bag. 

Suko groaned and got up, sheets sliding off as he scooted over to see what the man was doing. The images were pictures of  Naruto and Sasuke at various places ranging from Tokyo to Moscow. He smiled at one with the blonde drawing a certain appendage on the ravens chin, aimed up to his mouth. It must have been a party prank since there were wine glasses and other people around in snappy wear.

“What are you laughing at?” Sasuke scoffed, moving the precious memories away from the kid.

“He looks really happy…” Suko mumbled, picking up a stray picture of the two on a lake boat in swimsuits. 

“Mhm.” He rudely took the image back and placed it in the book next to others of them on the boat. 

It was then that Suko realised that this must have been the photo album that Naruto was talking about. Except, it didn’t look destroyed at all. The navy blue binds looked brand new and the paper was a pearly white as the photos were stuck on. 

“You didn’t destroy his book?”

“Well duh, he loves this damn thing too much. I wouldn’t do that...” The raven sighed and stamped the last lakeview shot down, turning the page to a blank one. 

“Then why’d you fake it?” He asked, handing him a photobooth snippet that had fallen on the floor. 

Sasuke froze and stared at the strip, biting back at the birthday film that started out with smiles to funny faces then hugs and finally kisses that lead to them getting kicked out of the mall. He laughed for a minute, choking up and grabbing the image, stuffing it in his coat pocket. 

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