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Hold me tight, I'll never let you leave
Let me go, I'll live in disbelief
You say the truth, every time you speak
Without a doubt, got everything I need, yeah
Hold me tight, I'll never let you leave
Let me go, I'll live in disbelief
You say the truth, oh every time you speak, see
No doubt, got everything I need - One touch - Jess Glynne + Jax Jones.

It was now my 4/4 doctors appointment of the year.

Fucking great.

Thank god that shits finished for the year.

But it had just been me and JJ's 1 year anniversary.

This time we actually agreed to do nothing.

We stayed home, booked the day off and ate Deliveroo and watched movies.

It was a good day.

But now a week later I am now heading for my final doctors appointment of the year.

I was sat in my car trying to clear my thoughts but nothing could.

Instead of attempting procrastinating I just headed in.

Get it over and done with as the saying goes.

I walk in and as soon as I sit down they call my name.

"Harla Foster?" A lady says making eye contact with me smiling.

I walk through and sit down.

My leg couldn't stop bouncing up and down.

"Hello I'm Doctor Maya McKeith, I'm your new doctor, what's for today then?" She says smiling, being overly chirpy.

"Um I get a checkup 4 times a year so I'm on my last one for the year." I say looking at the floor trying to avoid the strong eye contact she was giving me.

"Okay, I have your folders here and from the tests from your last visit, your results haven't changed, as in you still have roughly like 4 years, it's not changing which isn't bad but we had predicted that you life span would have gone down but it hasn't." She explains looking through test papers.

I look up in disbelief.


"I promise Miss Foster!" She giggles at my shock.

"Oh my god that's amazing." I smile.

"I was think I'd walk in here with 3 years." That's amazing truly.

"Well I hope that'll clear your mind a little. We don't need to do tests this appointment but we will after Christmas so like mid January and it's end of November just now so like 1 month and a half ish come back and we can do the usual testings." She says gathering my files and typing things on her computer.

"Okay perfect, thank you!" I say walking out the door grabbing my prescription on the way out.

I sat in my car overwhelmed a little the fact that the days won't budge.

I drove home happy for once.

Going home from the doctors happy hasn't happened for a long time, we are talking Years here.

I got home all jolly and even JJ was confused.

"Why you so chirpy, you just came from the doctors." He giggles.

"The days haven't budged!" I do a little happy dance.

"Oh my god that's great news!" He plants a little, sweet kiss on my lips.

"I've to go back mid January for tests to keep them and then go back in April for results or something." I was just so pleased.

"Well I'm so happy for you." He says as he plops himself on the couch as I cuddle next to him.

"Also you know how it's your birthday on the 30th this month...." He starts smirking slightly.

"Yes.." I say slightly scared.

"How would you feel about a little holiday to I don't know Costa Rica?" He smiles warmly at me.

I sit up.

"Really? You would do that for me?" I say with a pout of happiness.

"Of course. Remember what I told you in Santorini!" He exclaimed

"Awww thank you!" I embraced him tightly.


It was later on that night and me and JJ were watching Married at first sight.

You can only imagine our conversations.

"Personally I couldn't marry someone I just met, no no no!" I say getting heated by a stupid show.

"Well it's stupid anyways, you need to know them." JJ also says getting annoyed as well agreeing with me.

"Ooh her engagement ring is gorgeous tho!!" I say gawking at it.

"What's like your dream engagement ring." He asks, I was too busy looking at the ring to even realise what he was getting at here.

"Something silver with a big fucking rock on it." I say giggling.

I showed him a few ones I had liked for years.

Not having a clue what I was doing.

Clearly I need to open my eyes more.

Well then.

𝐻𝐸𝐴𝑅𝑇𝐵𝐸𝐴𝑇 ~ 𝐾𝑆𝐼Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora