First Night.

647 21 2

Luke's Pov

"Okay, okay, now my gift!" My dad said handing me an evenvelope

I laughed and began opening it.
Mostly everyone went home, I like opening the gifts when I wasn't surrounded by to many people.

Right now we where sitting in the back yard around the fire, just me, calum, ashton, Michael, Sam, Camila, Dinah, Lauren, Ally, Normani, Mum, Dad, Jack, ben, and cel.

I smiled and pulled out the card opening it, a small silver packet feel out. I picked it up and everyone began to laugh, except well my mum.

"A condom! Really Andy?" She smacked his arm as he just laughed.
"Better safe then sorry!"

"Nice one Dad" Ben said, smiling and shaking his head.

I smiled at my dad's attempt at a funny gift.

"He's got a point Liz" Mikey added

"Can it Michael! "

"Dinah's redder the the fucking fire!" Ashton laughed, okay no more drinks for him.

"Shut up!" Dinah yelled throwing her empty Pepsi bottle at him

"You drunken idiot" Lauren smiled at him.

"But Wait there's more!" Dad said in his best "announcers" accent. He smiled pull out a card and handing it to me. "It's to the hotel a few blocks away, I don't want you two gettin freaky in my house not Uh!"

"Andy!" Mum yelled again

This time I laugh, smiling at Dinah.

"Okay, best dad award goes to you Mr.Hemmings " Calum laughed, holding up his drink to my dad.

"We got you a gift too" Camila smiled
"We all had to chip in on one gift since only 3 of us have jobs, and we had to pay for our own plane tickets " Mani said.

"It's Nothing fancy, but here" I smiled and grabbed the pink bag out of Laurens hand.

I pulled out a black t-shirt with pink writing that said "I Love Fifth Harmony " on the front and the girls names listed on the back.

"Do you know how much in cost to get that thing made? But best $45 I've ever spent" Mani laughed.

The boys dying of laughter behind me.

"Thanks Girls" I chuckled

"Look on the bottom of the bag!" Camila said excitedly

I removed the tissue paper and grabbed what was underneath "A CD?"

I looked over at the 5 girls who smiled widely at me.

"It's the video of you and Dinah's duet, I had Elly film it" Camila smiled

"Watch it, it might be infected with AIDs or some shit" Ashton yelled causing Lauren to hit him hard in the chest, what's with those two...

I smiled widely and got up, hugging Camz "Thank you"

"You're oh so welcome."

Around 9o'clock everyone decided to go home.

"Bye Lukey, and again happy birthday " Ashton said hugging me.

"Happy birthday buttface " I smiled hugging Michael
"Night mikey "

Calum walked in front of me placing a hand on my shoulder "They grow up so fast "

"Let's go you idiot, Night Luke" Normani said shoving Calum.

"Goodnight Calum " I smiled hugging him as well as Mani

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