Goodbye Australia.

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Dinahs POV.

I took a deep breath "Mom, dad, I have something really important to tell you"

"Weaken your voice a tad" Jack said.

I did as so "I'm pregnant "

"Pause after you say 'im' the more upset and sorry you sound, the easier they'll understand " Liz said.

"Ugh this is so pointless! I'll probably just break down either way!" I said, feeling my cheeks heat up.

Liz and Jack were trying to help me by "rehearsing" what and how I'm gonna tell my parents about the whole baby situation.

Just as me and luke said, When we got back from the beach house we told everybody. Today was the last day here in Australia.
Liz was upset, but soon got over it and is actually excited for a grandchild. The girls are excited, Camila is already coming up with names. The other day me, Lauren and Ally were shopping and they practically dragged me into the baby section at old navy.

As for Ashton, Calum and Michael, they seemed surprised. Ashton looked kinda of excited. Make sense, the boys say he's the best with babies absolutely adores them.

"Dinah, Its gonna be okay, any good parent is going to be upset but will soon understand there's nothing they can do to change it. " Liz said placing and hand on my shaking knee.

"But you have to tell them as soon as we get back, you have to see the doctor D" Normani said.

I nodded "My dad, he's gonna be so disappointed in me"

I squeezed my eyes in attempt to keep my tears in.

"Its okay to be scared baby girl" Normani said, sitting next to me, rubbing my shoulder.

"Where's luke?" I asked.

"He's still packing, I'll go get him" Jack said running up the stairs.

It sound stupid, and quite needy but he was all I wanted lately. I just wanted him to be near me. Feel his arms around me.
God Imma straight mess.

"Liz what's it like to be pregnant?" Camilas asked, sitting beside her.

I looked at Liz.

"Well, honestly, it's hell. Morning sickness, growing pains, cravings, it's no fun" she laughed "then around 4-6 months, it's not that bad, unless you're carrying Luke "

I laughed.

"Don't even get me started on that boy. As soon as he grew legs, he was kicking like a kangaroo!" She laughed.

"Not my fault my legs are 6 miles long" I looked up and my heart instantly got happy.

Liz laughed "You, were definitely my least favorite baby"

"Love you to mum" Luke smiled.

Liz got up "Camila, Normani, would you girls like to help me make lunch?"

Camila and Mani got up, following her.

Luke sighed sitting beside me "Everything alright love?"

"Yea, I just wanted to be next to you" I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder.
Swinging my leg over his, as he leaned back into the couch, wrapping his arm around me.

This is what I meant by wanting Luke.
Wanting to just be wrapped up in his arms. Laying my head on his chest and falling asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

"Nervous?" He asked, using his other hand to play with my fingers.

"Very" I sighed, looking up at him.
He had his eyes shut and his head tilted up. I could tell he was tired.

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