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Ashtons POV

"Okay, would you rather fly or mind read?" Lauren asked

We decided to stay in since everyone else had plans, we where going to work on music but ended up napping on the couch, eating, and watching Netflix.

Now we're laying on the couch, top and tails, while she ate a tub of ice cream.

"Uhh mind read" I said

"I would fly, it'd be so fun, because like what if you read someone's mind and they said something really rude or something nasty" she said cringing her nose.
I laughed "i guess, would you rather eat a hobo's toe or get a lap dance my Miley Cyrus "

"Definitely get a lap dace bruh " she smiled

I smiled and sat up grabbing the spoon from her mouth and taking a bit of ice cream.

"Hey! You said I can have it!" She pouted.

"Sharing is caring" I said popping the spoon back in her mouth.

She pulled it out and threw it at me, hitting me in the chest.

"Oi! You got ice cream on my shirt!"

"Good" she laugh sticking her tongue out.

I sighed taking my shirt off and tossing it across the room laying back down.

Lauren got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Lauren, I have sweatpants you can wear ya know?" I said.

"Do my underwear offend you Irwin?" She asked sitting back down.

"Not really, quite to opposite actually"

"I'm not putting on pants because you can't control your hormones" she smirked turning on the tv.

I sighed, smiling before standing up.

"I'm going to nap" I said stretching

"Again?" She said looking up at me
"Yea my head still hurts" I said.

She nodded and I walked off to my bed room. I had a small apartment, it had a bathroom, two bedrooms, living room and a kitchen. It was actually my uncle's but he's in NZ. Mum said I could stay with her but I had stayed her with Elly before she flew back to America to be with her baby daddy. Bitch. But anyways I Kinda liked being alone. I go down to my mums everyday though. Just to see her and Lauren and Harry.

I layed down on my bed, getting comfortable under the covers.

Slowly beginning to dose off I felt someone crawling on the bed.

I turned around and faced Lauren.

"I wanna nap too" she whispered smiling.

"And whats wrong with the other bed?" I laughed quietly

"Not as fun" she smiled. "I wanna cuddle."

I smiled "I knew you wanted me Jauregui "

"Shut up Irwin" she smiled turning around, I wrapped my arms around her pulled her closer by the waist.

Calum's POV.

I walked into my room, pulling the towel tighter around my waist.
Drying my hair off with another towel I went threw my draw grabbing some undies, taking off the towel and putting them on.

I heard a vibrating noise and looked over at the bed. Hmm I guess normani left her phone upstairs.

I picked it up and unlocked it, she doesnt have a pastcode.

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