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Allys POV.
"I love it here" I said holding onto troys hand giving it a tight squeeze.

"It is beautiful " he smiled.

He looked over at me, to see I was already starring.

Leaning over in her chair and kissing me, I smiled.

"Hi" I whispered

"Hi" he said.

"Troy! C'mon gonna play so football!" He looked over at Calum.

"You coming?" He asked me.

"No, I'm just gonna work on my tan" I smiled.

His kissed me again before getting up and running off towards Calum.
I sighed slipping my sunglasses over my eyes and leaning my head back in the long beach chair.

"Hey " I looked over and saw Lauren sit down in Troy's chair.

"Hey babe" I said.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"Yea sure. What's up?" I said sitting up and facing her.

"So I um, I did something. And I kinda regret it." She said looking down at her hands.

Lauren played with her hands when she was nervous or scared.

I took my glasses of grabbing her hands in mine "whatever it is you can tell me okay?"

She let out a deep breath and looked up at me "I um, I - I had sex with Ashton this morning "

I looked at her wide eyed "What?"

"I know I know it just - ughhh"

"Lauren you promised you would wait until you where in a relationship! You can't keep using sex as an answer, baby." I said

"I feel so guilty and like a whore. I was sick of waiting. I thought maybe if we did it, he'd ask me to be his but he didn't " she said tears brimming in her eyes.

"Its okay, come here" I hopped over to her chair and pulled her in for a hug.

She cried quietly. Lauren hated showing weakness. She felt as though she had to be the strong one.

And if she did cry it was only in front of me.

"Ally I don't know what to do, he won't even look at me" She cried.

"What happened afterwards?" I asked

She pulled away from me and sniffed, I wipped her tears with my thumb. "Well, we where in the shower and when we finshed he got out. I followed after him. He just stayed quiet, it's like he forgot all about me. "

"Oh baby, it's okay, just forget him, he's nothing more then a foolish boy who doesn't know what he missing." I said.

I didn't think Ashton was one to Fuck and dump. He seemed like such a gentleman, I pray he has a reason behind this.

"Look, just enjoy the next two days with your girls okay? If anything I'll have troy stay with ash and you can stay with me, okay?" I said

"Thank you ally " she said hugging me once again .

"Anything for my girls, now wipe those tears, you're to pretty for all that crying" I smiled pulling a tissue from my purse.

" I love you" She smiled wiping her face.

" I love you more"

Dinahs POV. It's about to go down. Well Dinah is. ;) some serious Smut below loves.

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