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Luke's POV

"Dinah! c'mon!" I yelled up the stairs, we're already late to cals fire, because she insisted on changing her outfit for the 4th time.

"Hey Luke, be safe tonight okay?" My mum said.

"Yea mum of course, everything okay?" I asked.

"Just have a bad feeling, no drunk driving okay?"

"Yes Ma'am, I'll probably end up staying at Cals."

She nodded walking back off to her room.

Dinah came down, in simple shorts and my hoodie, I did notice her knee brace was on.

"Knee acting up again?" I asked.

"It hurts more then usually" she said "I took a pain killer so I should be good."

"You sure? We don't have to go" I said.

"No, we haven't all hung out since that party, and I really wanna go, promise I'll be fine." She smiled.

"Well alright, let's go then " I grabbed her hand and lead her out to the car.

We got in and I started the car.

"So who's gonna be there?" She asked.

"Uhh far as I know, just the two groups, and I think Mikeys bringing a friend or something" I said.

"Who is it?" She asked playing with the brace on her knee.

I shrugged "you sure you can walk around on that knee?"

"Yes Luke, I'm sure, the pains going down anyways. Don't worry baby I'll be fine" she smiled leaning over and kissing my cheek.

I grabbed her hand in mine, and we drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, except for her singing along to the radio.

I pulled into Calums drive way and we got out.

"Dinnahh!!!!!" Normani yelled.

They made up earlier today, back to normal I guess.

"Moonnii!" They ran up to each other and hugged.

"Didn't you just see each other a few hours ago?" Calum questioned.
"Shut up " Normani said.

I smiled walking up to Calum "Hi babe"

"Wassup sexy" He winked at me.

"Cmon" Normani said leading us to the back where everyone was.

It was a nice night, everyone was chill, Camila and Lauren dancing along to the music, Dinah and Mani joingin them, Ashton, Troy and Ally were laughing and talking.

And Michael, was with the devil herself.

"What the fuck is Samantha doing here!? " I whisper yelled to Calum.

"Ask Michael." He said walking over and sitting next to Ashton.

Michael looked at me and his eyes widen.

Thankfully Dinah was too distracted to noticed Sam.

Who was also looking at me.

They both stood up and walked into the house, I took that as a sign to follow them so I did.

I looked back at D and made sure she didn't see me sneek off.

I stepped into the house, walking to the kitchen where Mikey and Sam where standing, looking at me.
"What the actual fuck." I said.

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