It's Okay

409 20 3

Ashton's POV

"That'll be $7.50 please" the cashier lady said, I handed her the money and grabbed my bag.

"Thank you" I smiled, leaving the store.

Lauren need lady things but didn't want to get up, I don't mind I used buy my sister's all the time.

My phone Buzzed and Lauren had texted me.

Grab me a Seventeen magazine plleeeaassseee I'll love you forever!

I chuckled at her cute text.

I walked over to the nearest magazine stand grabbing a Seventeen and putting it on the counter.

"Um Excuse me?" I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around to face and extremely attractive blonde woman.

"Oh um hey, do you need something?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm lost, I'm supposed to be meeting a friend at her house but I can't seem to find this address" she smiled handing me the piece of paper.

"Oh! This is the same apartment building I live in, I could walk you there, if you'd like? Promise I'm not a creep"

She laughed "I'd love that, thank you."

I smiled as we starting walking.

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"Alex, you?"

"Ashton" I smiled.

"Are you from Sydney?" She asked,
"Born and Raised " I smiled

"I love it here, I try and come every summer, I'm from Miami but I live in LA." She said.

"I live in LA now. I do my study's there, I just visit family here for the summers." I smiled.

We walked in silence for a while until she spoke up.

"So you have a girlfriend?" She asked.

"Nope." I smiled.

She giggled a little "then May I ask what the Tampons are for?"

Oh. "Um my sister, Lauren, she's staying with me".

Oh the Irony.

"Oh Cool." She smiled.

We made it to the apartment and walked in.

Going up in the elevator we made it to the 3rd floor.

"Here you are, 318" I smiled.

"Thank you so much, I'd probably be god knows where, without you." She smiled pulling me in for a hug.

"Anytime, and if you need anything I'm literally right there" I said pointing at my apartment door across the hall.

She laughed "How about your number?"

I smiled as she handed me her phone, I put my number in and handed it back.

"See you around."

"Yea" She slightly bit down on her lip before entering the home.

I smiled, walking into my own.

Hitting Lauren in the process.

"Owww!" She groaned hold her forehead.

"Where you watching me?" I said.

"No!" She quickly answered.

"Yes, you were"

"Whatever, Gimmie " she snarled grabbing the bag outta my hand.

"Peeper" I said.

She just walked off to the Bathroom.

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