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Trigger Warning: mentions rape

When I got inside the house, Mark, Jack, and Bob were waiting for me in the living room, their arms crossed. I sighed as I took my shoes off, knowing what was coming.

"I know, I'm grounded because it's the third night in a row. I'll grab dinner and go upstairs-"

"You're not in trouble." Jack said softly.

"...then what's going on?"

The door knocked, and Mark moved to open it, letting Austin and Jax walk in. Austin looked straight at me. "Couch. Sit. Now."

My blood ran cold, staring at everyone. "Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"You, first." Austin grabbed my arm, pulling me to the couch. "Now, Alli. Sit."

I sat on the cushions with a huff. "Nothing's wrong. Can I please go eat now?"

Austin stood in front of me. "We need you to walk through the week with us. Starting with Monday, after school."

"All I did was go to the callout. Nothing happened. The director just informed us what was going on and what we needed to get done."

"Who was there at the callout?"

"Just me, Mary, Leah, Kim, and Jason."

"And nothing happened?"

"Austin, what's this about-"

"Answer my questions."

I huffed again, giving in. "Nothing happened."

"What about Tuesday?"

"It was the same thing. We talked about what songs we were auditioning with, and the director started us on warm-ups."

"And nothing happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"Now, Wednesday. During lunch. Jason said you two were dating?"

I swallowed, knowing where this was going. "He did."

"Are you?"

"We are."

"Bullshit." Bob smacked the back of Jax's head. "What? They can't possibly be dating, given what he did to her before-"

"We are." I said quietly. "We actually have some stuff in common. We bonded through the callout. We started talking. Is that such a big deal?"

"You made it a big deal." Mark spoke up. "You looked sick when he touched you and ran out when he said you were dating. So what's going on with you two?"

"Nothing happened between us."

"I think you're lying." Jack said.

"Why would we be lying? I like him, okay?"

"You're trying to hide something in order to protect him." Austin said. "I know him, Alli. I've known him for four years. You don't need to lie to us. Not to me, at least."

"I'm not lying. If something happened, I would tell you. What makes you think I'm hiding something?"

"Because what happened to you happened to nine other girls before." My eyes fell, and Austin kneeled in front of me. "Alli, I know what he did. So does Jax. We know he's scared you into silence over it. The five of us can help you, but you need to tell us what happened. Now, Alli."

As he spoke, tears fell down my face. I finally had enough, covering my face in my hands. "Stop... please stop..."

Austin looked to Mark. "I think we'll take those tissues now."

I felt something touch my arm and looked up to see Mark holding out a box of tissues. I took them, wiping my cheeks. "Tell us, Alli. What happened this week?"

I sniffed. "Everything was fine... the Tuesday practice was fine, until the director left for the night. The other three left right after her. I was packing up my things, and Jason stopped me. He tried scaring me down from trying out, but I didn't listen- I want the part, and empty threats aren't going to stop me. He could tell it wasn't going anywhere, and he dragged me into one of the practice rooms..." My voice broke off as more tears fell.

Mark sat down next to me. "...what happened, Alli?"

I looked up at Jack, who sat at my other side. I opened and closed my mouth for what felt like a long time, willing for sound to come out but nothing happening. Eventually, I squeaked out three words, which made both of them crumble.

"He raped me."

Bob sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Alli, you should've told us-"

"But then you would've pulled me out." I sobbed out as Jack held me tightly against his chest, crying into my hair. "I wouldn't have been able to compete. I want to compete. I want to do this."

"Even if it means... this? Allisun," I winced at my full name. "you can't do this to yourself. Has he been doing this every day? Is that why you've been so late?"

"Yes. It is. He's not going to stop until I either back down or he wins the spot."

"He's not winning the spot." Jax forced. "Not now. Not after this."

"Yes he is." I muttered. "It's not just me he's done this to. The three other girls are experiencing the same thing. Mine's just more extreme."

"Well, we're stopping it."

"Please, don't make me quit-"

"We're not making you quit." Austin spoke up. "Jax and I had a plan made up, in case this would happen. You can keep going, but you're going to change some stuff up. And get the other three girls in it. Jason isn't going to get the part."

"...how? What're we going to do?"

From there, we began planning.

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