Frisk: Like a Ballerina

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I used to be a pro at being a ballerina, I remembered almost every single ballerina move known to both humans and monsters as I glided across my bedroom with my graceful moves, I remember my father used to play this tune that I still don't remember the name of as he used to shout the ballerina moves to me, 


"Petit Jeté!"

My dad was my biggest fan, other than my uncles, but it was just something about him clapping and cheering me on despite my mistakes that made me always smiles whenever I jumped and hopped around my room doing my ballet routines what have may or may not have made zero sense at the time. But it never mattered to me, or my father, we just were having fun, we were happy

Now, you might be wondering; Frisk? Why did you want to be a ballerina?

You probably aren't wondering that, but, I'll answer it for you anyways, with a very short summary made by yours's truly!

A long time ago, there was this huge segregation between two main species of the world that we know today, can you guess who the two were? Ding ding ding! Monsters and Humans! Did you guess that? No? Well, I'm proud of you either way for trying.

Well they fought, a lot, not in wars and whatnot, but many attacks from one species to another. Monsters had more of the advantage, with their supernatural abilities, while the humans had their guns: some thing that monsters couldn't afford or have, as they would have many fights and mobs that would attack innocent civilians. Both sides hands got bloody, but the humans were more unfair; with disguises, ambushes, invasions, all of the things that the monsters wouldn't do, as the monsters would usually just defend themselves from the humans who were trying to hurt them. After a few years they have decided that enough was enough as they then truced, years after that humans and monsters lived with each other, had children, made villages, neighborhoods, cities, you name it. They were then at peace, happy

Whew, sorry if that was a lot, but I had to fill you in so that I can explain my ballerina situation. 

During the iffy times where humans and monsters were beefing, my father, Sans, adopted me from a bootleg orphanage with children of the mothers and fathers who couldn't keep them, or per say not give two damns about them, for me, it was the second one.  It was a bit odd, seeing a huge skeleton man take care of a small little human girl, but we managed to make it work. You see, my father was my 'babysitter', as monsters used to work for humans because, of course, humans were very lazy during those days and, what could the monsters do? Say no? 

But to avoid the stares, I was homeschooled, my father would teach me almost anything, from ABCs, 123s, the average shit that you learn in a shitty school system, but with more comfort and snacks. I was an inside kid, never really went out due to political bullshit, as my father just wanted what was best for me. As I was home by myself, I would just scroll through the many channels on the TV, and would always stop at the channel where there would be dancers, not only ballerinas, but ballerinas were the ones who would always catch my attention. From their pretty tutus, their long legs, their graceful movements as they pranced across the stage with their graceful presences. I fell in love, to the point where I used to try and dance with them, my dad noticed, and then bought me a tutu for my birthday. I was ecstatic, and then we used to practice my dances everyday with him teaching me all of the moves that ballerinas used to do. He never knew about it, but he learned them as fast as he could so that I could be happy

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