Frisk: Under My Protection

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"Frisk, calm down, hana. Asgore's on his way." 

"Fuck that! He needs to hurry up! Chara's out there and in danger!"


"Azzy, calm down! Keep breathing in your paper bag, please!"

"Hanzo, Chara is with Fallon! We can't just 'calm down'!" 

"Panicking like this won't bring Chara back, either. I'll call Asgore to see where he is and tell him to hurry, okay?" 

I nod in response, as Hanzo nods, patting my back before he walks out of the room, leaving me with Asriel, who accidentally ripped his paper bag with his nails.

After a minute or so, Asgore finally rushes in as he rushes over to his computer. 

"Fortunately, Chara has his phone on him. We can track him and take a group of S.W.A.T team for backup."

"What about us?" I rush over by Asgore's side as he shakes his head.

"You all will have to stay here, especially you. It's dangerous out there."

"The fuck?!"


"Azzy!" Hanzo cries out as he goes over to hug to anxious goat boy. 

"I'm sorry, but you can't afford to get hurt anymore, Frisk. We can't lose you."

"And you won't! I'm perfectly- shit!" I cried, holding my left arm from the stinging pain as Asgore sighs.

"You're sick, Hanzo's new and Asriel is losing it. We can't just send you off like that."

"Mister Dreemur. . ." 

"Go take a shower and get some rest. You don't need to sleep but you do need to take a shower." Asgore gets up from his seat as he walks over towards the door. 

"Did you just say that I stink?"

"No, but you haven't taken care of yourself for days. I'm serious, Frisk. Rest for a moment, we'll handle this." Asgore looks at me, frowning slightly before he goes to talk onto his walky-talky.

"Asriel, stop clinging onto me, you're heavy!"

"I can't help iiiiit!" Asriel sobs, slinging onto poor Hanzo's back as he tries to get him off without hurting him more. 

I walk over into the bathroom, grabbing a face cloth and a towel, taking off my clothes before I turn on the shower and slowly walk, closing the shower curtain. My mind was so worked up and busy to the fact that I didn't even realize that I barely showered in days. My stomach started to hurt, realizing that I haven't even ate in days either. 

After about of hour of me washing, I leave out with a towel on my head while wearing a dark blue 'D.O.G.S' robe. Hanzo waves as he hands me over a paper bag.

"Its the bag of food that you forgot about. Eat up, you deserve it." Hanzo smiles, before groaning when he heard Asriel wailing in the investigation room. "Azzy! Use the paper bag!"

"I ripped it againn!"

"How the fu-" He stops, pinching his nose inhaling. "I'll be back, Frisk. ."

"Its fine. Thank you," I smile. He then nods in response before grabbing a empty grillby's bag before dashing back into the room to help Asriel.

I sit down, opening the paper bag as I laid out the burger and fries on the table. Staring at the food, it made my stomach feel funny; and not in a good way as I ran to the toiler seconds later to go and throw up. 

At this point; the bathroom is my new home. 

I made a pillow fort from the couches in the lounge and I made the toilet paper my cute little decoration around the stalls. It only took me thirty minutes at best! And it looks great!

"Frisk, this is impor-" Asgore dashes in, before making a long pause while he stared around the bathroom,

"You like it? I call this, '' The Frisktress~'' " I lean on the stall, while Asgore continued to look at me with a serious face. 

"We were sent a picture. . . it is of Chara with bruises on his chest and a beaten up face. . along with these text messages." Asgore gulps as he gives me his phone. 

If the images of Chara being tortured wasn't enough to send goosebumps down to your spine. You will never guess what the messages said right below it.

"You stole everything from me."

"And you think that you'll live happily?"

After that, he sent another picture of Chara, looking even worse than before. My hands were so shaky, I was afraid that I was going to drop Asgore's phone as it vibrated once more. . 

"You made him forget about me. You stole the only thing that kept me going."

"But don't worry."

"He's under my protection now."

"And he will never forget me again :]"

"Fallon has found him. . . we have to send teams to his location stat! We can't lose him." Asgore grimaces, snatching the phone from my hands as he leaves me in the bathroom. Looking down at my shaky hands I think of the messages that Fallon sent. . . 

"Forget about me. . ."

"Stole. . ?"

"He will never forget about him again. . .?"

"Chara. . . he wants him?"

"Why would Fallon want him?"

"Chara. . . his only thing that kept him going?"

"Chara. . . forgetting. . . ?"

"Oh. . . fuck. . . . 




. Kiliano . . "


A/N: I'm sooo sorry for the short chapter TToTT but I promise its gonna get good from here! I love you all and be sure to take care of yourselves <3

Also! Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments! I love to read them <3

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