Frisk: The Fancy German Douchebag

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I'm so glad I still had my dress on. 

If I didn't I wouldn't have had the ability to throw a whole office chair at Alexander, giving the asshole a black eye and putting him in some pretty pink handcuffs while Hanzo sobbed in a corner with a blanket over his head because his dick bent in the process of me saving him from dying. 

"I have you right where I want you." I sigh, pulling my panties back up on me as he groans.

"What have the cops been feeding you? Dick?"

"What have your servants been doing to you? Serving you ice cream while you watch porn?"

"And if I do?~"

"I can care less. I get more action than you'll ever fucking get." I snicker as I pick up my pistol from the floor. "Enough friendly talk. Where is your boss?"

"Ah, I can't just give that information to just anyone, darling~ I have limits."

He laughs, but then yelps as Hanzo hits him in the back with a paddle as he growls.

"Hanzo?! What the hell?!"

"Fuck you!" He screams as he hits him again, making in holler out as I take the paddle from Hanzo, 

"Calm down, twinkle toes. And puts some pants on, please. ." I sigh, seeing that he was still naked and all while hitting his boss with a 'bad girl' paddle. 

"Now, let me ask you again; Where.  Is. He?"

"Hell like I know. . We're looking for him ourselves. Event the Miels are looking for him and there's no trace of em'." 

Shit. . . the boss is gone?

"What's his name?" 

"Now, I'm not gonna just-"

"Fallon." Hanzo interrupt Alexander, making the blonde turn over to him in shock. "We don't know his real name, but we address him by 'Fallon'." 

"Fuck, Hanzo! What's gotten into you?!"

". . I'm sick of all of your shit." Hanzo sneers, pulling his boxers up before he goes over to get his clothes from off the floor. 

"Hanzo, what does Alexander does for your group?"

"He sells drugs, to give to the Miels, so that they can get more profit for the buttercup samples."

Alexander didn't say a word, as he looked at the ravenette with pure shock on his face.

"Thanks, you'll be a good person to interrogate." I smile grabbing a gag and putting it in his mouth as Hanzo laughed. It then hit me when I realized that Chara and Asriel were absolutely nowhere to be found, my mouth agape as I whispered.

"Where's azzy and-"


I turn around, yelping as Asriel pulled me in for a hug, 

"Frisk! You're okay!"

"Azzy! What-"

"Gaster, what the hell are you doing here?!"  Chara bellowed, stomping to my direction as Hanzo hid back in the corner, fearing for his life as he saw the two with guns in their gun holsters.

"I got your guy, in 4k ultra. You're welcome, Dreemur." I smile as I pat the top of Alexander's head as the blonde let out a muffled growl. 

"Who's that over there?" Azzy asked, pointing at Hanzo.

"That is Hanzo, he helped me get some of the information I need about the group. He's been blackmailed with the life of his mother, as they threaten to kill her if he doesn't obey them. Alexander is a drug dealer who helps the Miels with their profit. They must be getting these samples from a lab, considering how much money they are trying to get from all of these people."

Asriel clapped, while Chara looked around with his jaw dropped.

"Hanzo is a good guy, he wants to help us in this case by giving information about the group and their whereabouts." As I explained, Hanzo nodded as he fixed up his suit as he went over. 

"If yall's job is to get rid of this god forsaken group, then I'm 100% here for you!" Hanzo salutes, as Chara nods as he looks over at me.

"Great job, Gaster. But next time; please don't come here unexpected. Its dangerous. ."

"Oh please. I'm dangerous" I whisper in his ear, as I walk over towards the door, "You all can get Alex into the truck, I already finished all the messy work." I winked, seeing Chara blush and Asriel continuing to clap in support as Hanzo went with me to the truck. 

After a hour of clearing Rose Lake, we made our way back to the D.O.G building and explained everything to Asgore; well, Asriel did all of the talking, he was squealing like a baby goat as he added how proud he was of me and how I even gave Alexander a black eye while he was in the small cell area of the building. Asgore nodded, as he continued to look at me with a stank look on his face, making me shiver. Hanzo was with Chara, as the two surprisingly was getting along well as they were talking while eating donuts in the lounge. 

"Amazing work, Gaster." Asgore sighed, seeming unimpressed as he gets up from his seat, towering over me with his shadow, "You're back into the program. But, you have to be with your team mates, and not using your body as your way to get to people." Asgore said the last part silently, as he made his way out of our investigation room as he fixed his tie, "Me and a few other cops are going to set Alexander into interrogation along with Mr.Takuya, you all can sit and use this information wisely as we set out for our next mission." Asgore explains, before he waves while closing the door behind him. 

The last thing that he said to me, about using my body, I have no clue why, but it really hurt. For starts, how did he even know that I hooked up with Hanzo? I'm no offended (kinda) but what really bothered me is that the fancy German douchebag saw me fucking someone on some sort of fucking camera. Did he see everything? Did he hear everything? Oh fucking hell, how much does this mother fucker knows?!


Asriel's soft voice snapped me out of my small meltdown as he looked at me in concern, 

"You okay?"

"Was Asgore at Rose Lake too?"

"No, but he made us set cameras during happy hour. Why?'

". . . Your dad watched me get railed."

". . . . WHAT?-"


A/N: I'm so sorry but I had to do a funny cliffhanger somehow 😂😂 I hope you all are liking the series so far! And trust me Charisk IS gonna be a thing in this story I am 100% positive <3 I love yall! And take care! See yall in the next update that is soon! <3

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