Frisk: A weird way to abbreviate a private investigating group

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Now, you might be wondering: Frisk? How did you not know about Chara being Asgore's son?

I knew Chara, I've seen him with Asgore and Toriel a few times but we have never ever made contact with each other, so how the hell was I suppose to know? I mean, I was just a kid, and I thought that I was the only human to ever be adopted by a monster. 

They managed to get my stuff from behind the hospital as I was finally able to get discharged hours later, they handcuffed me before taking me into the backseat of Asgore's car next to Asriel with Asgore driving and Chara along the passanger's seat. Asriel buckled my seatbelt and his as he smiles, 

"It's been a while, Frisk! How have you been doing?" Asriel askes, giving a warm smile as he tapped his hands  on his lap. 

"Your brother's a dick." I whisper to him, he giggled as he looked at Chara and back at me and whispered back a reply. 

"He's a sweetheart! I promise! He just thought that you were gonna betray us and leave."

"I was." 

Asriel then pouts slightly, before scooting closer towards me to give me a side hug, 

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm glad you stayed." Asriel sighs, laying his head ontop of mine. 

I swear, Asriel got the warmness from his mother.

"Thanks, Azzy." I lay my head onto his neck, taking a breath as I smelled his rich smelling cologne. 

Azzy is like that one childhood teddy bear; if you are ever in distress, he is there for the rescue to give you as much comfort as possible. It's really hard to believe that he is Asgore's son, but you can really tell by how tall he is. He's like a walking teddy bear, a BIG walking teddy bear. 

"Frisk," Asgore's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as me and Azzy stood up straight with listening ears. 

"There's is a organization that I would like for you to participate in to help us with this case, a private investigation group called the Detective Organization Group of Sardon."

". . . Dogs?"

"Yes, or D.O.G.S if you would like to abbreviate it that way."

Okay, that has got to be the dumbest fucking name I have ever heard.

Like, that is a weird way to abbreviate a private investigating group, let alone the name being super wack. 

"Okay." I reply back to him, laying my head on the car window as I watched the cars go by. 

After a few minutes that seemed like almost forever, we finally made it towards this building. Now, the weird thing about this building is that it is not as big as Asgore's mayor office, to be honest, it's like to size of a average fast food restaurant as it had a small sign on top with 'D.O.G.S' along a white banner. 

We make it out of the car, as Asriel helped me out of the seat since I was still in these stupid hancuffs as Asriel pats Asgore.

"Dad, the keys." Asriel asked, while Asgore tossed them towards him, he unlocked my handcuffs as he took them off of me and placed them in his pocket. I mouthed a 'thank you' as Asriel gives a smile and nods at me. 

And I then look to my right, and prince asshole is giving me the stankiest side eye that is known to man-monster-anytype of kind in general once Azzy took off the handcuffs. 

"Nice shirt." Chara comments, looking me up and down before going behind his father and into the building. 

Okay, now I know that I almost ran out of this case, and if I made a successful escape, nine times out of ten I would be in my hotel room, drinking piña coladas and watching the wonders of the limited hotel television stations, (besides the news), while sitting in a tank top, some undies and those cute bunny slippers that Uncle Mettaton got me for my 21st birthday.

But I'm here now, in which they all should be very much grateful for. And I think the only person who is glad that I am alive is Asriel at this sudden moment. 

As we walked into the place, there were people staring at us for a split moment before looking back down onto their computers and typing aggressively as keys were clacking all across the room. We continued to walk as we then came into this white room, with a board with pictures as well as files stacked in almost every corner of the room.

"This is the space where we discuss any proof that we have found for this case specifically, we even found some of the substances that has made the many people lose their lives to." Asgore grimaced at his last statment, as he picked up a suitcase and placed it on a brown coffee table before sitting down on the small blue loveseat as he opened the case. The case had a small sample of a yellow liquid that looked almost like piss, but glowed as if it was like liquid gold.

And before I could even say anything, I coughed, and the coughing started to persist more as I saw Asgore look at me in worry.


Have you ever felt like as if some ghost was deciding to squeeze onto your throat and to pushed their hand into your chest to squeeze at your heart at the exact same time? No? Well if there was a way that I could have described this sudden moment, that would be the feeling of what I am feeling at this sudden moment. 

It felt as if something was ripping at my arm, as if something was pushing out of my muscles. What made this even more scary was that I couldn't even scream, I could only cough or wheeze out as I ran over to lean against a wall before I could fall onto the floor. 


I hear Asriel's voice call out, now I could see everything clearly, and hear perfectly fine, but it was just that I couldn't speak out. 

"Shit! Get her to the medical bay!"

Now this has got to be the most eventful week of my entire life, and not even with the good type of events, the type of events that would make you not be able to even breathe properly and feel like their is an alien squirming inside of your system. 

Note to self and to anyone who is like me: Don't drink in the middle of the night with a armless dumbass who would ditch you to get jumped by a gang who you thought you could beat merely days ago. . . 


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