Frisk: I'm not leaving.

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Warning: Small mentions of panic attacks, PTSD and taking prescriptions

Now at this point, everything was just going down to shit. Not only that now Asriel knows that I'm dying, but he caught me at the verge of having a full on panic attack.

I forgot to mention that ever since my father passed, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and PTSD from his death. I had to take prescriptions that was really hard to find and without Toriel's help, I would be dead meat as she would help give me a case of the prescription every month of so as it would be enough for me to manage. I absolutely HATE taking medicine, and I mean any type of medicine no matter if it was solid, liquid, injectable or consumable, I hated them all; but I had no choice. At this point it has been approximately 3 days since I have took my prescription and from what has happened from the last couple of days, I was shocked at the fact that I wasn't an emotional wreck; until this very moment of Asriel seeing me in a towel with a bloody arm. 

I started to panic, holding onto my chest as I cried. Asriel was quick to go over to my side and held onto me in a tight embrace, whispering small words of reassurance to me as he pat my back soothingly. He didn't care about getting blood on his shirt as he kept me in his arms. Though I couldn't really speak (or breath), I was really grateful that he wasn't screaming at me or scolding me about hiding the buttercups on my arm as he let go of me as he puts his hands on my shoulders.

"How long have you had this for?" He questioned me, looking in concern as he saw that I was close to hyperventilating, "Frisk, did you take your meds?" all I could have done was shake my head as I saw his lips quiver slightly before he then picked me up, laying me down onto the bed slowly as he looked under the bed, grabbing a first-aid kit as he opened it, picking up hydrogen peroxide as he soaked it onto a cotton ball. He then gently pat the soft ball onto the sides of my arm where the flowers were not at as the pain was not as bad as I intended it to be. Once he finished, he then looked up at me and pat my head slowly. 

"I'm sorry you had to go through this. I'll go get your medicine thorough mom and you can sleep here, is that okay?" Asriel said in a soft tone, getting up slowly as I nodded in response. He left out, closing the door behind him as I continued to look up at the ceiling. Focusing on my breathing, it didn't take long for Asriel to come back with a glass of  water and a small white demon in his hand.

"Do I have to take it?" 

"Yes, Frisk. You haven't taken your medication in days, I just want what's best for you."

Okay, your definition of 'best' is way different than mine's of course; my version would involve me being somewhere in which I am successful, rich enough to be healthy and not having a growing garden on my arm (that is very painful at that). 

But, I trust Asriel, and I need to calm down at least a tad bit. So I took the glass of water along with the pill from Asriel's hands as I placed the pill in my mouth and took a few gulps of the water before sighing. 

"Thanks, Frisk." Asriel smiles, getting onto the bed while sitting by my side. I nod in response as I look back up at the ceiling as we both looked up, seeing Chara in the doorway. 

"Gaster," he said before clearing his throat, "The team wanted me to come and tell you about you being out of the program due to the buttercups on your arm."

Wait, everyone knows now? 

Not like I care, but damn it was quick. But before Chara could even speak, I then replied,  

"I'm not leaving the program."

Chara and Asriel looked at me with wide eyes, Asriel covered his mouth to cough as Chara continued to stare. 

"Gaster, this mission is dangerous! We can't let you-"

"Chara, I have to find the bastards who killed my father, I can't just be a sitting duck right now!"

"You have to be! You can die at any given moment and we can't take any risks, especially now that we're going undercover."

If he didn't mention the fact that I can die at any moment, I probably wouldn't have went up and punch 6 lives off of the poor boy before storming out of the room, only then hearing Chara groaning in pain while Asriel was going to check if he was okay. I walked down the stairs and out of the door, then hearing Toriel calling my name before I shut the door behind me. I walked onto the sidewalk, which was suprisingly empty, as tears welled in my eyes.

It was something about Chara saying that I could die that just brings chills down my spine, the only person who was close to finding the cure was my father, and he died from what he was trying to cure before he could even finish his work. . . that's it! I can go down into my father's lab and try to finish his work for him! He would for sure be proud of me then!


Before I could even start going towards my father's house, someone knocked some object upside my head as I yelped in shock and pain. 

"Fuck! What the hell. . ?" I rub my head, looking don I picked up a small bottle that was a square shape, the bottle was a glittery pink, was it perfume? I turned it to the back and then saw a label of cursive that said 'MTT'

"Oh shit-"


I then turn to my left, seeing a black car with tinted black windows as it rolled down, revealing my uncle Mettaton as he was wearing a pink suit with a fur scarf around him as he continued to honk his car horn. 

"Frisk, darling?! What the hell are you doing out here with no clothes on?!"

I then looked down, only now realizing that I was only still in the purple towel as I felt my face become hot. 

"Frisk Gaster, get your ass in this car now!"

Now you might be wondering; Frisk? How are you gonna explain to your uncle that you left Toriel's house out of anger from her asshole of an adopted son?!

With that, I have no.


clue. . . 


A/N: I am so sorry for the long wait! I have been busy with school and a music program that I am in as well, but don't worry updates are still coming soon! Thank you all for the support, I truly appreciate it! Make sure to take care of yourselves and I will see you beautiful people in the next chapter, love yall! <3

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