Frisk: If I Was A Rich Girl

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To my own shock: Uncle Ton was not as bothered by the buttercups than I thought he was going to. But once we met up with my Uncle Papyrus at the MTT hotel, he didn't really speak as he gave me a hug and walked off. I honestly don't judge him, looking at my own arm even gives me flashbacks of the dreadful night. 

"Chara? Asgore's son? Oh, he is quite a handsome young man! Why would anyone dislike him?"

"He's a dick."

Me and Uncle Ton was sitting at the empty bar of the hotel, holding nice wine glasses as he gave me a long pink dress along with some undergarments to wear so wouldn't be naked, or uncomfortable. . 

"What did he do, dear?" Uncle Ton raised an eyebrow before taking another sip of his wine.

"He kicked me off of the investigation case! The asshole didn't even give me a chance to redeem myself at all!" 

"Maybe because he cares about you?"


"If I saw that my co worker was so far to the Grim Reaper's anus, I would give them sick leave too, he just doesn't want you to get hurt than how you already are, darling."

"If he cared, he would have let me at least go on one mission with them. AT LEAST just one."

"Wow, you sure speak about this boy, do you find a liking to him?"

"Not at fucking all."

"I find that very hard to believe, dear." 

"Uncle Ton, did you not just hear when he pinned me to a hospital bed against my will?!"

"You almost jumped off of an seven story window."

"He still hurt me! Look! I still have the red marks on my wrists!" I stretched my arms out, as Uncle Ton squinted his eyes as he gave me a stank look.

"Darling, if you want to keep bragging about your mafia boyfriend, we can talk about it later, I promised your uncle Papyrus to dinner tonight and I don't like breaking promises." Uncle Ton then got up and kissed my forehead before he made his way towards the door, "If you want to join us, please do. Papyrus misses his baby niece and so do I!" He then smiles, before walking out of the bar leaving me with my own thoughts. 

After a few minutes of wine drinking, overthinking and tears, I finally then decided to meet up with Uncle Ton outside as I went inside of the passenger's seat of his car, he then got in the driver's seat as we then drove off from the MTT hotel. 

It was only about thirty minutes before we finally made it back into Sardon, we made it to Uncle Pap's house as Uncle Ton then walked me to the door,  he grabbed the keys from his pocket before he jingled the keys in the lock, unlocking the door as he let me go in first. "Papyrus, dear! Frisk is he-"

Before Uncle Ton could finish his sentence, Uncle Pap rushed towards me and gave me a tight hug that picked me up from the floor. 

"I'm so sorry, Frisk." He sniffled, holding onto me tight. Him crying somehow made tears fall out of my eyes as well. . I've never seen Uncle Pap so sad. 

After we settled down, Uncle Ton was in the kitchen making lasagna in the kitchen, leaving me and Uncle Pap in the dining room. 

"So, um, how are you and Uncle Ton doing?" I asked, breaking the surprisingly comfortable silence as Uncle Pap cleared his throat to answer.

"We're doing better, actually! I decided that I was going to enlist into the army, at first Mettaton was upset about it, but he's more supportive of the idea now!"

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