Frisk: The Gomez Case

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After the painful walk from my father's house, me and Hanzo finally made it back to the D.O.G building after stopping by Grillby's to get everyone some food because of the un-annual sale that Grillby was hosting. Walking into the building, was as usual, the fellow staff members on their computers typing away. We gave them some spider donuts along with spider cider, while we then walked into the investigation room, Asriel was fast asleep in his office chair as Chara was staring at the chalkboard. I walked over and laid a bag on both of their desks while Hanzo flopped onto the couch.

I walked over to Chara, and his eyes were focused while his eyebrows were narrowed. I tapped his shoulder lightly, as he jumped slightly, before relaxing when he saw that it was me.

"Gaster, good to see you." Chara sighs, grinning as he pushed himself back from the board.

"Good to see you too, Mister Dreemur. We bought lunch for everyone, where's your dad?"

"He's home. He had to get something."

"Are you okay? You look petrified. ."

"Oh, I'm fine. What's the folder in your hand?"

"I found this in my dad's office. It was a report of a child he helped. He used his only cure for him to live! So, if we can track him as soon as possible we can put him into questioning about Fallon!"

"Amazing work, Gaster!" Chara smiles, patting my shoulder as he opened the file. He then looked through the papers silently as he then looked up, seeing that Asriel was asleep he decided to pick up a napkin and crumble it as he threw it, scaring almost nine years off of the poor goat boy as he let out a loud bleat as he rose up from his seat.

"Chara, what the hell?!"

"Look this case up, stat." Chara hands the folder to Asriel, as he rolled his eyes before opening it. "Oh, the Gomez case?" Asriel gasps, making Chara look in shock.

"How did you know about this?"

"Dad would talk about it all the time! Hold on. ." Asriel murmurs, his fingers working fast on his keyboard as he searched up the case. "It says, 'The Gomez case is a tragic event, where the two children of Roberto Gomez witnessed their father getting shot in the middle of a monster riot, as three bullets went into his heart.'"

"Jesus Christ. ." Hanzo's hand went over his mouth, as Chara's face became pale. 

" ' The brothers were separated to different areas, while the older brother was unable to go with his younger brother, the younger child's body was found near a small forest near Mount. Ebbot, while he was found dead due to the child being poisoned with Ranunculus bulbosus. A few hours later, the police found that the child's dead body was no where to be seen as his body was never found.' . . this case closed almost six years ago."

"The virus emerged almost five years ago, right?" Hanzo asks as Asriel nodded in response. 

"This is a great lead! But we just don't have the names of the brothers, and the mom and dad are dead." Asriel sighs, as almost all of us purses our lips in mourning. 

"I. . . I'll go report this to Asgore. Great job, Frisk." Chara says, clearing his throat before he quickly makes his way out of the investigation room.

"Hey! Are you gonna eat your food?!" Shouted Hanzo as Chara shrugs,

"You can have it. I hate burgers."

"Rude!" Hanzo gasps, as he then scoffs, "More for me, than." He sits down crossing his legs while he started to take a burger out of the wrapper before he aggressively took a bite out of his burger.  

Chara walks out without a word back to us, and weirdly, I started to worry for him.

"I'll be back, and Hanzo, don't touch my food."

"Ahh, just be back in time!"

"I'll slice your tongue off if you touch it."

". . . It'll be safe and sound until you get back, ma'am."

"Thanks. I'll be back," I quickly hug the both of them, before grabbing my jacket and making my way out of the building.

 Fortunately, Chara was in the parking lot as I saw his car parked. I ran my way over to his car, tapping on his window as I caught him off guard once again. I wave, while he holds onto his chest, opening to car up for me so that I could sit in the passengers seat. 

"Are you okay, Chara?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You seem . . tense. Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah. . it's just. . I'm fine. Do you want to come with me?"

"Absolutely." I nod, fastening my seatbelt before I close the car door. 

After a long and silent ride, we made our way to Asgore's home. To describe it: It is a huge mansion with pretty bushes that are trimmed and the grass evenly cut. A bright white house, that isn't to be fucked with unless you want to get fucked up by either the authorities that are living in the bushes; or Asgore himself if you're lucky.

"We're here." 

"Yeah, well no shit." I chuckle, looking over at Chara, who looked like he was on the verge of shitting himself. "Okay, I didn't want to say it, but it is most definitely something that you're not telling me that's is gnawing at your skin."

"What do you mean?" Chara quickly replied as I scoffed.

"Chara, just talk to me. Ever since Asriel read out the Gomez case, you just. . . spaced out and spiraled." 

There was no response.

"Chara. . I promise, there is no judgement about anything that is going on in your mind. I'm just worried about you. I know it sounds stupid but its true."

". . . Gomez. . "


". . . my name. . . was Challen Gomez. . . "


A/N: Sorry for another short chapter :(( but there is a double update coming soon! I love yall and take care of yourselves <3

And always be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments! I love to read them! <3

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