Frisk: What he did.

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My dad had keys for almost anything; his car, his room, my room, the pantry, the small cabinet with all of the glass plates and silverware. He let me have them all. 

All, except for his lab keys.

"Ah! Don't touch that, Frisk!"

"But, papa! Its so shiny!"

His lab key was the rarest looking keys out of the ones out of his big chain of keys: it had a pretty silver stone along the top of it, as it almost looked like a pretty silver rose shape. When I was younger, I never knew what the key was for because he never told me about it. 

"Don't worry, honey. This key isn't special, you can touch it, but don't try anything! You wouldn't want to break the pretty thing, would ya'?"

And since I never wanted to disobey my dad, I never did. I would always just look at it with awe and would slobber about how pretty it was. That was until I became in the double digits where I finally realized that it was the key for my father's lab, and of course, papa didn't like the idea of me going in there. We even had a few fights, as he would tell me that its dangerous equipment in there and I would get hurt if I was to touch it. I believed him after he took me out to go dress shopping, typical child, amiright?

Anyways, today would be the first in a long time that I would touch my father's work. Standing in front of the steel door made my heart pound. I don't remember jack shit of what I saw when I was younger, but all I remember is that I couldn't sleep well the night when I went down the papa's lab one day while he was out. Now, I'm about to step foot into what my dad was doing.

"You alright?"

"Fuck!" I gasped, turning around as I clipped over my own foot, another body caught me as I looked up to see Hanzo.

"Shit. . . how did you know I was here?!" I asked, holding my chest while trying to regain my breath.

"I kind of followed you here." Hanzo pursed his lips, tapping his foot as he looks at me, "You were standing at that door for quite a while. I can go down there with you for support if you need it."

"H-How did you know?"

"Your boyfriend told me everything, from your dad and your anxiety. Next thing we know it we couldn't find you at the building. I walked out and saw you walking down the sidewalk and decided to follow you to make sure you got here safely."

". . First, he's not my boyfriend. And thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. I just spaced out, you can go back to the building."

"I'm not goin' anywhere, Frisk. If something goes wrong, I want to be there to help."

"You helped a lot, Hanzo. I truly appreciate you, but I promise I don't need anything else." I smile in reassurance, as Hanzo nods as he steps back.

"You mind if I just sit on the couch? I'm not leaving you here by yourself, but I'll respect your space to a certain extent."

"Thank you, Hanzo." I smile as he smiles back in response, nodding.

"Thank you, Frisk. Now get in there, I'm getting hungry for some Grillby's and he's having a sale!" Hanzo pats my shoulder as he goes into the living room to sit. 

Taking a deep breath, I placed the key inside of the keyhole, as I turned the knob and opened the heavy door. Walking down into the basement, I grabbed my flashlight to see, since no one was here to switch out the light bulbs in the house. And boy, if this basement didn't fucking reek. I don't get it, my dad was a skeleton and still managed to sweat and smell like dog shit, as he also drunk alcohol, that got into his non existent system, or did he have organs? Like I know, and I don't want to find out either. . . 

Walking over to his desk, it was all in the same creepy language that I saw when I was younger. Wing-Ding is the name of it, it was a very rare language, because only my grandpa, my dad and my uncles were the only monsters who could communicate in that language. My dad always wrote in it so that I wasn't able to understand what he was doing, but after a few years of living on my own after his death, I started to learn the language on my own spare time, you know, when I wasn't fending for myself in the streets. I wanted to know something useful, like languages, as I know almost ten different languages, so if you ever try to talk shit about me in some different language, I would most likely know what you're saying; and would not hesitate to punch you in the throat. 

After an hour of looking through them, I couldn't find much; or anything that was important enough to report back to the group. But, half of his experiments were failures, all except for one. He explained how he saved an orphan boy, who poisoned himself with flowers, and not just any flower; the boy poisoned himself with fucking Ranunculus bulbosus flowers. This was such a fucking lead! I just need to find the name of the orphan boy and we can ask him about the events he had with my father! I continued to look through the files, hoping that my dad stated the name of the boy somewhere within it before I stumbled upon some tapes. It my father's writing along the white strip of tape along it as it says, "I'm so sorry, baby." in Wing-Ding. 

Now, this could mean many different things; it could have been for Toriel, for Grillby, for a random baby that he probably saved. Possibilities of what these tapes are for is unpredictable. Well, there is only one way to find out what they are about, right? Luckily, there  was a functioning TV at the side of my father's workspace, as I placed the tape inside of the player. Small whirs were heard as the tape started to play the video, it was pitch black as you could hear groans, whines and cries of pain from a small child as I could hear small 'shush' sounds.

"💧︎⧫︎□︎◻︎📪︎ ♓︎⧫︎🕯︎⬧︎ □︎🙵♋︎⍓︎"

It was a voice that I couldn't quite recognize, it wasn't dad, or Uncle Pap, maybe it was grandpa?

"It hurts! It hurts! Help! Papa!"

"✋︎⧫︎ ⬥︎♓︎●︎●︎ □︎■︎●︎⍓︎ ♒︎◆︎❒︎⧫︎ ♐︎□︎❒︎ ♋︎ ❍︎□︎❍︎♏︎■︎⧫︎📪︎ 🙰◆︎⬧︎⧫︎ ♌︎♏︎ ❑︎◆︎♓︎♏︎⧫︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ 🙵♏︎♏︎◻︎ ⬧︎⧫︎♓︎●︎●︎✏︎"


The little girl screeched, before the tape then stopped. 

What gave me the most shivers about this, was that wasn't just any little girl screaming for help. .

The little girl. . . is me.


A/N: Ahaha, ayee, its your boy, uhh, skinny penis 😎, anyways, thank you all so much for you guys support on the series, I hope you all like it! I love yall and take care of yourselves <3

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