Frisk: Going Back Home.

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"So, they watched us fuck?" Hanzo asked, sipping a slushie as I nodded shamelessly.

"Hey! It's alright! If they try to use it against us, we can sue! They recorded us without consent!"

"They recorded everything, Hanzo. They're cops." I sighed, my voice muffled from my hands that were covering my red cheeks.

"Well, at least we looked hot while doing it. I know you did-"


"I'm just trying the lighten the mood, dramatic ass ." Hanzo pouts, going back to drinking his slushie as Chara walked into the room. 

"Hey, Chara. Y'all find anything?" I asked, looking up at him as he shook his head.

"We didn't find anymore Miels or Swads in the area other than these two, and Alexander refuses to speak. We're practically sitting ducks at the moment."

"What about me?" Hanzo asks as Chara smiles,

"You gave us enough, we don't want to risk you getting hurt by any of the Miels by giving us anymore information."

"Well they're gonna kill me for just being here, so I can might as well tell you all that I know." Hanzo, placed his slushie down as he stretched, "A shower would be nice though, if you're offering comfort for your guests."   

"Ah. . . sure, its near the bathroom over there."

"Thanks!" He smiles giving Chara a handshake before he then goes off towards the showering area. I picked up my glass of wine as I took small sips of it to clear my throat; as Chara then sits down next to me with a serious look before he sighs.

"I didn't give you a lot of credit back there. Thank you for helping out, we had nothing until you came."

I spat out my drink, coughing a bit before I spoke.

"Hey! For the record, we didn't even have the chance to even reach our fucking highs because of high and mighty thong man in the interrogation room!"

"Uh. I was talking about coming to Rose Lake, even after we technically fired you."

My eyes were wide, my jaw was dropped, and my brain flew off to fucking Jupiter to get more stupider from the shit that had just came out of my mouth a few seconds ago.

". . . I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, Frisk. I get it, you've been going through a lot. We truly appreciate you." Chara puts his hand on my shoulder, rubbing his thumb across it soothingly as he smiles.

Wow, he has some big hands, Jesus, I guess he's been drinking his milk.



"You okay?"

"Ya. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You look tense. Everything okay?"

"I'm as fresh as a daisy!"

"Oh, that's good to hear." Chara gets up, as he makes his way towards door to the hallway, "Let me know if you need anything." 

"Got it!" I smile nervously, getting up as I walked over to look through our new files. There was nothing worth mentioning, except for the big M.I.A on the new biography that we have for 'Fallon', we're so close, yet so.fucking.far. 

It doesn't make any sense, we don't have no general info of who it might be, especially sin ce they ditched the warehouse with their various amounts of samples that they had in storage there, we have no clue who this Fallon is or his motivation for killing all of these people. This Fallon dude is one smart cookie, he was never close with his co workers, none of them, maybe with Alexander, but the way he hid his identity so well, is so, fucking, clever. I kind of envy him if he wasn't some crazy flower boy of a killer. 

But one thing we should know for sure, is where they have been getting these samples from. 

After that, Me, Asriel and Chara were in the evidence room, I explained my thoughts, as the boys nodded and agreed with my every point.

"How many samples were found at the warehouse?" I asked, as Asriel scrolled through the files on his laptop before he let out a small gasp.

"Almost over 25,000 samples were found, with the other ones being broken on the ground that we couldn't really calculate."

"Jesus fuck." I gasped as I rubbed my fingers on my temple. 

"Frisk, with your father, he was a scientist, right?" Chara asks, with me nodding in response, his tongue was pushing out of his cheek to think before he spoke again.

"I have an idea. I don't know if you'll be okay with this, but we may have to go back to Mr. Gaster's home to-"

"My father?" I cut him off, not meaning to as I looked over to see Asriel looking at me with pure worry on his face.

"Yes, um. I believe while he was alive, he was attempting to make a cure for the virus that's spreading around at this very moment. Maybe he knows more things than we do. But that's only if you're comfortable with us going through his stuff."

"Why would I mind? If we need the info, we'll get it. M' pretty sure my dad would want us to look through for the sake of other people."  I smile, getting up as I stood behind Asriel's chair. "I have the keys in my purse, I always kept them in there for good luck, we can always go back!"

"Frisk. . . are you sure? We don't want you to be-"

"I'm fine, Cora. If I spiral just put me in a dog cage until you guys find something good." I pat the brunette's head, he looks in confusion as I made my way to the exit. 

"It's Chara-"

That was all I heard until I closed the door shut. As I made my way out of the D.O.G building, I pulled up my GPS, as I typed in the address as I began to follow the coordinates.

"I'm going back home. . ."


A/N: Nothing much to say. I love yall, yall are amazing, Good day and take care of yallselves <3 also sorry for the short chappy I promise the next one will be more juicy and long ^w^ (Whoa pause that didn't sound right😳 😳 😳 )

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