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Day Three

Pulling on a cropped green shirt and her ratty old jeans, Luanne stepped out of the car looking out at Yellowstone for the last time in a while. She knew she'd be back one day but it was still bittersweet to leave again. The thought of seeing Cody, Wyoming fueled her. She fell in love with the town when she was 17 now 7 years later she got to see it all again. Her little rodeo home. Seeing Emmie would be the cherry on top. She hadn't seen the girl in nearly a year.

Looking at her car once again she realized the mess that it was. Josh could not see it this bad. Throwing the trash in the bin by her car she went as fast as she could getting rid of old Diet Coke cans and chip bags. Throwing all the dirty laundry she had into a bag and extra towels into the trunk was the finishing touch. She may have been a Virgo but the girl was not clean by any means. 

"Ready for take off captain!" Josh announced his presence saluting her in front of the cruiser. 

"This is a big deal Joshua, you get to ride in Penny for the first time." The girl held her arms out showing off her old car with a toothy grin. 

"Your car is named Penny?" He asked craning his neck to the side in confusion.  

"Penny Lane after the song. I just call her Penny though. She will be our guide on this journey. Plus we can ride with the top down." She climbed into the driver side plugging in her phone to the blue tooth and placing it in the holder next to her lighters and new can of Diet Coke. 

"Diet Coke really? That shit is horrible for you." Josh pointed out as she put the top down.

"If you have an issue with the drink then you can surely ride with your brothers Kiszka." Her eyes turned to slits watching for his next move. "Nope, Diet Coke is incredible. Best drink out there." Josh answered as they took off to the main road. 

Their music taste was damn near identical. Luanne let him pick whatever he wanted but he never had to stray from her many playlists. His only job was navigator and videographer. He held the camera making sure she would have the sights on video as well as turning it to himself waving wildly every few minutes. 

She was so funny to watch drive. Every song she would find a way to dance to while they moved down the road. Luanne's hair flew behind her in the wind her sunglasses perched on her nose as her head bobbed back and forth. Josh knew the boys behind them had to find it funny too. It wasn't until 'Cosmic Love' by Florence + The Machine came on that Josh was speechless. For the first time since he met her 48 hours ago she began to sing. 

Josh placed the camera facing her watching with his mouth agape. If he ever thought her to be gorgeous before this was different. Every syllable coming from her mouth was passionate and came from her chest. The cigarette between her fingers could be listening to her too for all he knew. 

"You are beautiful." Josh said quietly so she wouldn't stop singing. 

He imagined that little dimple popping up as she sang even if he couldn't see it. When she finished she looked to him with his wild grin. 

"You are supposed to be recording the sights Josh come on now!" She called over the music and howling wind. 

"You can never compliment my singing again! You are something else Luanne Faye!" He shouted back hearing that laugh of hers ring out to the world. 

When they finally stopped at a gas station to refill Penny, Luanne watched Josh run inside to use the bathroom like a madman. His hair flopping made her cheeks flush. They did duets after her rendition of 'Cosmic Love' and it was the most authentic she had ever been. Something about him just made her want to be whole. Danny drove their car up on the other side of the pump cackling as he watched Josh sprint. 

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now