Camp Hermit-Blood

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Okay so this is like the Hogwarts AU except it's Camp Half-Blood from Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. Go ahead and skip this if you've never read, but it's a good series and you should check it out.

So anyway the Hermits kind of live in a pocket dimension, but Grover figures out how to enter it and tells some of them that they're demigods. I won't go too in depth with that concept because I don't feel like figuring out all the details. Sorry for plot holes.

Also the Hermits are all teenagers because they won't go to camp half-blood as adults

The Hermits of Boatem, Octagon, and the Bigeyes district were hanging out around the Boatem Pole, settling their differences, when a new message popped up on their communicators: Grover Underwood joined the game.

"Grover Underwood?" Mumbo said. "Who's that?"

"And why does he have a space in his name?" Doc said. "I MUST LEARN THIS MAGIC."

The rest of the Hermits stared at him. "You break the laws of Minecraft in every other way possible," Grian said. "Are you not happy with that?"

"What worries me is how he got here," Tango said.

They joined the steady stream of messages asking what the heck was going on.

Xisuma replied, I don't know what happened, or how this Grover guy is here. And I do not know how he has a space in his name, so stop asking, Doc. Meet at Spawn.

Exchanging glances the ten Hermits took off with their elytra and headed for the egg.

They weren't the first at Spawn. Joe had already been nearby and was now calmly talking to an unfamiliar guy in baggy jeans and an orange t-shirt. His brown curly hair was covered by a blue cap, and he moved nervously, like he was afraid he would be attacked.

The Hermits' landing startled the poor guy. "Oh, gods - HOW ARE YOU PEOPLE FLYING? Did you all find Dedalus's workshop or something?"

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about!" Keralis said cheerfully.

"Why are you here?" Bdubs demanded.

Grover wrung his hands. "Oh, wow, I really need a can. Or an enchilada? Do you guys have enchiladas?"

The Hermits exchanged glances and didn't answer.

"What's an enchilada?" Ren asked finally.

Grover looked taken aback. "You don't - this is terrible! Uncultured! Someday, I will introduce you to the wonders of cheese enchiladas!"

"What's cheese?" Ren said, intrigued.

Grover threw his hands in the air.

It wasn't long before the rest of the Hermits arrived. Xisuma landed right in front of the new arrival. "How and why are you here?"

Grover put his hands up in surrender. "Hey, are you the leader dude? I assume you're the leader dude. But I'm here for a few of you. You've been offered an opportunity."

"For what?" Xisuma asked.

Grover looked at his feet. "I can't tell mortals," he said to himself. "Oh, no. Did I say that?"

The Hermits nodded.

"It's okay," Gem said, stepping up. "You can tell us."

"If one of us knows, all of us know," False agreed. "We don't keep secrets from each other."

Grover tapped his bright red sneaker. "Um... okay. Gosh, I haven't been this nervous since Thalia. Well, you know the Greek gods?"

Most of the Hermits nodded. They had never tasted cheese, but they did know their mythology. They used it for inspiration in a lot of their builds.

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