Chapter 2

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*Meli's pov*

I couldn't get that message out of my head it was eating at me for the past 2 weeks who the hell was texting Phil and why the hell were they missing him...talking to Nicole, Brianna, and Nattie seemed like the best option to talk to...I didn't want to talk to Michelle or my mom because they would tell me dad so my girls were it...I sat watching Nicole holding Katy..I sighed "I don't know what to do or how to being it up...I don't want him to think I dont trust him but I want to know who the hell is texting my boyfriend telling him they miss him.."

Nikki nodded "I don't blame you.."

I sighed "I just don't want the fighting."

Brie frowned "You don't think he's cheating do you...I mean I know I can't be the only one to notice he's been weird since you returned...I mean don't get me wrong he always talked about how much he missed you while you were gone...something doesn't seem right."

I shook my head "Honestly I don't know...part of me thinks he wouldn't cheat on me after 3 years and a baby but with how he's been acting since I came back I just don't know."

Natayla raised an eyebrow "Acting how?"

I sighed "You know how we went to NXT a couple weeks ago?"

She nodded slightly " mentioned about running into Josh and Jonathan's cousin Joe.."

I sighed "Right..well Joe found me backstage... I haven't seen him since he left for college...the last time we were together....but we caught up he showed me pictures of his little girl...Phil walked up after Joe walked off and was a complete asshole about it...he's just been a complete ass to me I can't even talk to guys I've been around for years like John..Randy...any of them..."

Brie shook her head "Maybe he's jealous...I mean you looked great before Katy but you are a knockout now Meli...those new curves...maybe he thinks you will realize you can do better."

Nikki spoke "What do you mean last time you were together....what exactly is your connection with Joe?"

I ran a hand through my mess of blonde curls..."Joe and I dated in high school from my freshman year till he graduate...he was my first in a lot of things...not my first first I made that mistake before i met him...but yeah I dated Joe Anoa'i..."

She nodded slightly "I can see it now...don't think I blame him guy is gorgeous."

I sighed "I don't...hell I was 17 when we broke up...he went on to college I finished high school and went to Texas to train and go to school...until I signed with the WWE."

Brie shrugged "It was a high school romance...doesn't make it okay for Phil to be an ass to the mother of his child."

Natayla spoke "Come to think of it he's spent a lot of time with April...he hasn't since you've been back.."

I raised "What do you mean spending time?"

She shrugged "I always saw them together near the locker catering...way too much time together for a guy who had a girlfriend and baby at home."

I sat back "Do you think he slept with her?"

Natayla sighed "I don't know honey."

Nikki frowned "I can ask around find out if any of the other girls have heard anything "

I nodded slightly "Yeah...I gotta take Katy to Lora so I can get ready for the pay per view.."

She nodded "If it is true you can travel with me and John...he won't mind."

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