Chapter 13

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*Meli's pov*

It was the day after the Rumble and it was eventful...last Friday after Joe talked to Tessa we found out her sister was filling Lilly's head with the bull that I'm trying to push her out for Katlyn which resulted in a huge fight between Tessa and her sister...I was walking to run steps with Nicole and Natayla when my phone rang "Hello?"

"Hey its Phil."

I stopped walking "Phil why are you calling me?"

"I wanted you to be the first to know I'm leaving the WWE..well I already have I'm in Chicago."

I shook my head "I saw you last night.."

"I know... I'm just done...I used to love it but these past 2 years its lost it for me.."

I sighed "Does Vince know?"

"Not yet..but he will figure it out"

I shook my head "Phil what are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it I just wanted you to won't hear from me again."

Before I could say anything he hung up I sighed locking my phone before joining the girls..I sat in the seats with them after sipping on water "What?"

Nikki shook her head "What is going on're so distracted."

I sighed "Phil called me."

She rolled her eyes "Why is he calling you?"

I sighed "He quit."

Nikki looked at me "What when?"

I sighed "I guess when he flew back to Chicago this morning hell I don't know...he claims he not happy with wrestling anymore."

She shook her head "But why call have nothing anymore...he have up Katlyn...he's marrying that Casey and Joe are getting married he's adopting Kat..."

Natayla spoke up "Changing subject how did the girls day with Lilly go?"

I smiled softly "It went pretty great I took her to get her nails painted...clothes shopping..bought her a new doll...Chinese...frozen yogurt...we talked well as well as a 27 year old and a 5 year old can."

She smiled "So all is good in the Calaway/Anoa'i household once again?"

I laughed "Yes."

Natayla smiled "Good."

Eventually we headed backstage and I showered for the show..I wore jeans and a fitted Shield shirt opting to go far more casual tonight pairing my outfit with black and white hair pulled back in a slightly bumped ponytail and makeup was typical for me...after leaving Devin I walked into the locker room to see the guys ready "Hey."

Seth laughed "Nice shirt."

I shrugged "Eh I don't care for it."

He threw a shirt as me "Brat."

I smiled "Naturally.."

Roman shook his head "Kat is with Lora...and Lilly says she misses you."

I smiled "I miss her too."

He nodded "I don't know what you two did Friday she won't tell me."

I put a finger to my lips "Its a secret...girl code."

Roman shook his head "You hear this guys...I'm out numbered.."

Dean chuckled "Like I told two need to get on a roll...have a boy."

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