Part 23

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I'm so nervous that's it's not even funny anymore. I haven't been this nervous in a while, but I know I can't turn back now. I have to see her, and do something for her, to make up for all that happened last year. Something to lift her spirits, something to show her that I care. Seeing her unhappier than normal before break nearly broke my heart, her eyes turning lifeless on my own watch.

I wrap my coat tighter around my body as I push open my car door, cursing into the wind. I check my pockets for my abundance of belongings, taking one last deep breathe. My breath comes out ragged, catching in the back of my throat.

For the life of me, I can't work out why I'm so stressed. I mean, things between us have definitely shifted since the start of the school year, although I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way. I'm sure i don't wander along the pathways of her mind, capturing stray thoughts. Which is why nothing will change between us, and how we'll always be rivals, sniping away at each other.

My knees ache slightly as I walk up the long, winding staircase, cursing them. Seriously, whoever designed this place didn't think about people's knees, like at all.

Finally, I make my way to the top, pausing as I reach the landing. Room 205. My eyes stick trained to the door as I approach it, my heart beginning to race at abnormal levels. What the fuck am I doing?

I don't have time to second guess myself though, because my hand involuntarily forms a fist, rapping itself against the hardwood door. Loudly.

Footsteps thud from behind the door, only heightening my anxiety. It's pulled open a second later, my eyes lifting from where they're set on the floor. 

I sort of wish I didn't. Look up, that is. Because it only confirmed what I had feared. What I had begun to really fear since she picked up the phone, that first time I called her.

"Hey." I lean against the doorframe, trying my best to remain as cool, calm, and collected as possible. Well, only on the outside. 

Melanie stares up at me, the lines of her forehead pressed into soft lines. The bruising around her eye has mostly vanished, although a small cut still remains, decorating the top of her eyebrow. She looks brighter too, compared to last year, happier. 

"Hello?" she holds onto the side of the door, trying to keep her expression as stony and unreadable as possible. Although, I can't help but notice the quiet upwards curve of her lip, and the comfort associated in her stance.

"We're going out."

"Oh, are we now?" with her eyebrows raised, her lips turn into a soft smile, a chuckle hidden behind them.

"Yes, we are. Neither of us have classes this fine afternoon, well, I don't think. And, training doesn't start until 6, so we have approximately," I pretend to check an imaginary watch which would ordinarily be placed against my wrist. "6 and a half hours to kill. And I have a place or two where time can be killed. So, let's go."

Melanie rolls her eyes, looking down at herself before focussing her eyes back on me.

"Whitlock, you have to know that what happened wasn't your fault. You don't owe me anything. We don't have to 'hang out' just because you feel guilty." she pretends to look like she's saying what she believes, truly, but we both know that I'm not doing this for karma points. It's something about the way that we're standing, or how she hasn't told me to fuck off yet.

"Wow, and I thought we were starting to become friends." her lip curls between her teeth, obviously trying to hide another smile.

"Seriously though, if you'd rather be doing other stuff, you don't have to babysit me. I feel safe here, and... look, I'm trying to be nicer to people, but if you're going to go all overbearing again, I don't think I can-"

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